Nu Skin Galvanic Spa Review ...


Nu Skin Galvanic Spa Review ...
Nu Skin Galvanic Spa Review ...

My mother always says "You're only as old as you feel." I don't mean to dampen anyone's spirits but wouldn't it be a lot easier to believe in that if you didn't discover a new wrinkle or fine line every time you looked into the mirror? Can fifty really be the new thirty? As usual, my inner nerd needed to find an answer and my search led me to the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa. Could this be it? Mankind's leap forward to take aging one step backward? Read on to find out...

First things first, I had to figure out how safe (or not!) the usage of electric current on the delicate surface of facial skin is. Turns out, galvanic current has been used in spas worldwide for over 50 years. And just in case you were wondering, it is pain-free. Phew!

Also at first glance, the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa seemed a little too complex for me. What were those attachments? Those gels? Positive and negative polarities? It sort of reminded me of my horror school days. Let me reassure you though, it's not as complicated as you think it is.
What it contains:
The Nu Skin Galvanic Spa consits of a device with four interchangeable conductors: the ageLOC face conductor, Spot treatment conductor for concentrated treatment to specific areas, a scalp conductor and a body conductor. Also included are two specially formulated gels with ageLOC. What exactly is ageLOc? Let's just call it a revolutionary blend of ingredients that target the source of aging in skin and stop it, a little bit like a super-hero don't you think? :D While the current stimulates cell rejuvenation in your face, body and scalp,the gels help eliminate toxins and impurities from your skin and minimize your pores and allow them to breathe.
The process:
Before the actual process, remember to wash your face and dry it. Also, let your hands be moist. Next comes the Pre-treatment step. Apply the gel and use your face conductor on it. During this step, the spa instrument and the the pre-treatment gel are negatively charged.The negative charges repel each other and drive the pre-treatment gel into the skin.

Next comes the treatment step. Apply the treatment gel and follow the same process. This time, the galvanic spa instrument and the treatment gel are positively charged. Again, they repel each other and drive the gel into the skin.

Wash your face when the gel dries, and look into the mirror...instant younger, healthy looking skin!

The Ingredients:
Now I'm pretty anal about anything that I consider applying on my face. I need to know all the ingredients involved...just in case. So the pre treatment gel containining Marigold, sea kelp and vanilla extracts delivers some much needed nutrients to your parched skin, soothing it and getting rid of stress. The treatment gel contains magnesium which promotoes cellular energy, Arginine which helps skin recover from stress, Aspartate which balances your skin's pH and Tocopheryl nicotinate, a form of vitamin E, which helps moisturize, condition and provide antioxidant protection. Ah divine!

Complementary Products:
You can also use the Glavanic Spa Body Shaping Gel which works with the instrument and body conductor to target fat and toxins for a firmer, more toned appearance. Adios cellulite! (I think my mom is going to like this one the best) and for your hair, the Nutriol Hair Fitness Treatment which contains a seaweed derivative thanks to which your hair will seem more luxuriously voluminous than ever before!

And finally:
The Nu Skin Galvanic Spa delivers customized levels of intensity, since not every person needs the same level of current. This way, each user can achieve the best possible results for herself. The best part is that the instrument itself decides the optimum current level for your skin. Big big plus for a goofball like me :)

Now tell me, do you know of any other instrument that can take care of so many needs in one go? I didn't think so.

And if all that isn't enough, just remember, the biggest advantage of the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa is that it's like bringing a spa home. Let's face it, in between looking after the kids, working, cooking, grocery shopping and other household chores, who has the time to visit a spa?

Also, when you really think about the thousands of dollars you would spend at weekly or even monthly spa treatments and cosmetic surgeries, the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa actually becomes the more affordable option. It's also small, light and easy to carry around so you don't have to leave it behind even when you travel.

And last but not the least, clinical studies show that the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System makes your skin care regimen upto 70% more effective!!! I can't argue with that kind of science.

Looks like I've found my mom a birthday present! Let's face it are you going to look 24 again by using the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa? Probably not! But you can look eons younger than what you actually are. Wouldn't you want people to be surprised when you reveal your actual age? The Nu Skin Galvanic Spa can actually give you that satisfaction. Here's to fewer wrinkles, younger skin and a fabulous life! Btw, I would love to know your personal experiences with the Galvanic Spa...

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I was considering purchasing the Galvonic Spa for home use, however, am concerned about the comment from Lin K. whom has not seen any improvements and actually nicely appears to be trying to say it is a "wrip off" (my words after her review). I am interested, but please if any of you have your own before/after pictures this may help in my decision making, as I am curious if these photos are possibly re-touched?

I recently attend to a NuSkin demonstration here in Mexico... I'm very interested in their products, but decided to do a research before buying. That is how I came up with this interesting cyber-conversation. I thank Amanda for her serious information, Pamela for her concern and most of all to RobinL for her advice and unbiased comments. I would like to know if RobinL has white or black skin. I'm a brown skin lady, and have noticed that people with black skin has less wrinkles as they aged than people with white skin. Also, Do any of the ladies that used the product without success, change their diet? Because during the presentation the rep highlighted the diet...Are you eating the same grease-making stuff? Are you exercising? Remember this is a product that promises to restore the elasticity of your skin, not to get rid off the matter underneath. Am I in the right path Amanda? Be a whole include your soul...stress out it's what will help you get rid off any wrinkles.

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