How to Compliment - or Insult - a Woman ...


How to Compliment - or Insult - a Woman ...
How to Compliment - or Insult - a Woman ...

"**Marge, you're as pretty as Princess Leia and as smart as Yoda."**
(Homer Simpson)

"**Madame, that is by far the ugliest nose I have ever seen, and I compliment you on it - it suits you!"**
(Peter Sellers as The Pink Panther)

"**The great question that...I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years ofresearch into the feminine soul, is - 'What does a woman want?'"**
(Sigmund Freud)

Help a man.

When I got the following email from Jason, honestly, I wondered if it was for real. As you read it you might see why. But I decided, whether it's for real or not, it's a great example of how men are understandably puzzled by the whole complimenting women thing.

Then I got to thinking that it would take more than my opinion to do justice to Jason's noble quest for knowledge:

Should a man compliment a woman on her figure, and if so, what's the best way to do that?

Thus, with an open mind, Jason agreed to have me publicize his quest so that I could solicit as many opinions as possible from readers.

Here's his sad tale:

I met a really attractive and intelligent woman at a party a few weeks ago. It was a public event at an art gallery. We had been talking for a good half hour and really seemed to be hitting it off. Then, things suddenly went downhill. I commented that she had a nice, full, hourglass figure. I thought she would take that as a compliment. Instead, she became deeply offended. She snapped, "Oh really...well perhaps I should do some plus size modeling!" And then she slapped my face and walked away. Needless to say, it was not my proudest moment.

She had the classic figure of the 50s pinup -large bust, narrow waist, shapely hips/legs. I guess she interpreted 'hourglass' as meaning big/overweight/full figured. I just thought it meant shapely and well proportioned. Also, I'm wondering if she may have been hypersensitive about her figure to begin with. She was part Vietnamese and most women of that ethnic background tend to be petite. She may have always felt awkward about being so voluptuous.

My buddies had watched the scene unfold and were laughing hysterically. When I told them what I had said they shook their heads and said it was never a good idea to comment on a woman's figure, even if I thought it was complimentary.

I know, I know. Amongst other things, you're probably thinking that compliments - like beautiful women's bodies - are not One Size Fits All.

A compliment to one woman might be an insult to another, right?

And, that complimenting a woman's body directly is not the only way for Jason, or any man, to communicate his attraction and appreciation.

But as far as I'm concerned, a man who can sweetly and smartly compliment his lady love, or a potential lady love, has a distinct advantage in the world of dating and mating.

So please feel free to offer up your reactions and suggestions to Jason - and to the growing number of men who stumble over this blog because they're on the exact same quest.


And may Jason never get slapped again for a compliment.

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Oh my! Well, speaking about how to please a woman, sometimes a guy can never win! This story has a few similar elements to an experience of my own. I’m a bit embarrassed about this, but cut me a little slack, this happened 20+ years ago, and I was an emotional, young college girl at the time (an English Lit/Drama major no less). I had been romantically involved with this guy for about six months and it seemed to me that we just couldn’t take things to the next level and it would be in both of our interests to move on. So one day, I decided to have a heart to heart chat with him, going to great lengths to be sensitive to his feelings, and getting a little emotional in the process of saying it was time to end things. His response? Well, very casual, dry (he was an engineering major, go figure;) and hmmm, maybe even a little cheerful. He said with a smile, “yeah, you’re right, it’s probably the best thing.” Well, I was stunned by his lack of disappointment and asked if that was all he had to say. He again replied casually, “yeah, I think that’s about it.” I had invested the past six months of my life with this guy and he didnt seem to be the least bit upset that I was breaking up with him?! What a blow to my self-esteem and it was more than I could take. I stood up from the bench we were sitting on in the heart of the campus quad, delivered a stinging slap to his face and stormed off, a complete, emotional wreck. Later on, I talked about it with a few of my sorority sisters and of course got hugged, consoled, etc. Then one of my sisters said something like “so wait a minute….you broke up with him and then slapped him?”. It then occurred to me how ridiculous the scenario was! The story doesn’t end there. A few days later, he sent me flowers and an apology card. I’m not sure if the poor guy even knew what he was apologizing for! My heart goes out to the all the men out there. Sometimes we women can be complicated beyond belief, lol.

I think it's better to start off complimenting a woman on a non-physical trait (intelligence, artistic ability, personality ect.) but when complimenting her on her appearance, complimenting her face or ESPECIALLY her hair is the way to go. Also, know the girl, rather than guessing what will get you slapped and what will earn a 'Thank-you', find out a little more about her before figuring out what to compliment her on. (I personally find a lot of honest compliments hilarious, and not in a good way (; )

My son is 16 and just started dating girls. Do you think I should have him read this story? I thought it might be instructional for him regarding the do’s and don’t's when talking to females. After reading this story, I had this vision that one night after a date he'll come home with a red hand print on his cheek for some indiscretion, lol, and I'll feel like I could have done/said something to prevent that from happening ;)

Here is a male prospective on complimenting women. Rule 1 make it a non physical compliment. As a wise man once told me, "If you see a woman with a big fuzzy hat ignore the hat. talk about anything but the big hat on her head." This does two things, it helps you focus on the woman and it also keeps you out of the catagory of the 5000 there men that said nice hat. Rule 2 find something that is non physical that you genuinely like about her. In a non needy way compliment her for it.lean back not in and look in her eyes when you deliver the compilment but dont wait for a response.This builds up tension so jump right back into acting like a fun carefree guy after you say it. let her do most of the talking when it comes to her virtues. If a girl goes on and on about what she has going for herself she is baiting her own hook and you will both know that you look like the man. She will begin to believe you are the man. She doesnt go up to homeless guys and say, " well I am a vet tech, I like to exercise, I love to go out and dance, I teach dance, etc. She only says this to cool guys that she is attracted to. She will develop a level of attraction just for saying it to you. Rule 3 Save the physical compliments for seduction. Rule 4 pracitce giving mixed communications with your words and your body language. If you say something high risk use negative body language when you say it. With enough practice mixing communications you will be able to get away with anything. The goal is being able to be honest but have the women love you for it. Rule 5 keep playful. Rember women want to be teased men want to be respected. -- Ray --

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