Four Skin Care Myths

Amanda Jun 15, 2009

Four Skin Care Myths
Four Skin Care Myths

Myth No 1. Pimples, acne, and other skin diseases are caused by poor hygiene.

Acne and other skin impurities originate from within. They can be triggered by hormonal imbalances, stress, environmental pollution, genetic predisposition, or poor nutrition. Although proper hygiene is important for the health of the skin, more important is to avoid industrial and dietary pollutants, especially artificial hormones in milk and meats and synthetic chemicals in commercially-manufactured skin care products.

Myth No 2. Expensive skin-care creams and lotions of well-known brands are the best products for the skin.

This is very far from being true. A “well-known” image of a product is created exclusively due to an aggressive advertising campaign. Commercially-produced skin care products are usually laced with laboratory-manufactured chemicals, cheap synthetic additives, and petrochemical residues. Next time you are going to buy that “wonder cream” from a corporate cosmetic monster, have a good look at the list of ingredients and then decide if this product may really be beneficial for your skin or not… If you want to keep your skin young, smooth, and healthy well into your old age, stick to a good diet with plenty of essential fats, meats, and dairy from pastured animals, and use only natural skin care products, such as herbal infusions, cold-pressed traditional oils, and coconut and shea butter.
Myth No. 3. People who sell cosmetics are reliable skin care experts.**

So called “cosmetic consultants” hired to sell products manufactured by certain companies will only tell you what they have learned to tell in order to boost the sales. Their marketing techniques are elaborate and quite professional, but do not believe a single word. Prior to buying any skin care product, do your own research, get acquainted with the list of ingredients, and consult the best people for advice on the issue - independent experts.
Myth No. 4. Certain skin care products are able to permanently eliminate cellulite, wrinkles, acne, psoriasis, etc.**

If such products existed, their inventor would have won the Nobel Prize. What do exist are exquisite selling techniques to lure consumers into buying “amazing cure” cosmetics that are either useless or even plain harmful for your skin. This according to me is one of the most dangerous skin-care myths that people fall prey to.

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