8 Ways to Prepare to Go Back to School ...


Going back to school sounds fun! I’m 25 and have been out of school for about 7 years now. If I had the opportunity to do it all over again, I probably would – because I miss those days and back then, when people told me I would miss school, to enjoy it while it lasts, I didn’t really understand what they were talking about. Well, now I do. If you have the joys of going back to school, then I am going to give you 8 ways to prepare to go back to school.

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Get New Supplies

Get New Supplies Photo Credit: This Handmade Life / JLRPhotography

You should get new supplies. This way, you can have a fresh start. You do not want to use the same supplies from last year. Getting new supplies always motivated me to go back to school. It was exciting.


Get New Outfits

Get New Outfits Photo Credit: Holland Fabric House

Of course, you should get new outfits. The trends have changed since last year. I always loved going back to school shopping for new clothes. Of course, near the end of high school, when I had my own job and own money, I enjoyed shopping for clothes all year long.


Get a Good Sleeping Schedule

During the summer, we tend to get off of schedule. I have to get my little girl back on a good schedule, waking up every morning at 6am and not sleeping in. She enjoys sleeping in when she does not have school. So, before you go back to school, make sure you get yourself on a good schedule.


Make a Chart of Goals for the Year

Make a Chart of Goals for the Year Photo Credit: joleenieweenie

This can be both short-term and long-term goals. For example, make two friends the first week of school, talk to a guy, keep good grades throughout the year, study each night and so on. Make sure you stick to those goals.


Get a New Hairstyle

Get a New Hairstyle Photo Credit: Vanilla Monkey Bear

Are you getting tired of the hairstyle you have had for awhile now? Then it’s time to get a new hairstyle. Make sure you get the new hairstyle before you go back to school. Whenever I went back to school, nearly all of my friends would have new hairstyles. Oh – the new school year is definitely in the air!


Pick up Your Schedule

You can’t forget to go pick up your schedule. Do this a week or two in advance. Make sure you know where each class is before the first day of school. The first day of high school, I got lost and couldn’t find my classrooms!


Make Sure You Know of a New Dress Code (if There is Any)

This one should come before you get new clothes. A lot of the schools in my area are coming up with new dress codes. They’re actually coming up with school uniforms – yes, public schools have school uniforms too, depending on the school you go to. You should check and make sure the school you will be attending did not change the dress code.


Don’t Forget Breakfast on the First Day

Don’t Forget Breakfast on the First Day Photo Credit: Jahina

Your first day has finally arrived. Wait, don’t forget to have a good breakfast before you set out. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

There you have 8 ways to prepare to go back to school. Before you know it, you will be preparing to end the school year. So, what new clothes are you getting? Show us a website that has your favorite outfit on it.

Top Photo Credit: ANVRecife

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