8 Ways to Prep for College ...


8 Ways to Prep for College ...
8 Ways to Prep for College ...

Most high school students share one fear - college. A lot of people get stressed out when they think about getting rejected from the college or university of their choice. But have no fear! This article will help you start prepping for college...

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Join a Sport's Team

Join a Sport's Team Photo Credit: Dan Anderson.

A lot of universities look at whether you've played a sport or not. Plus, being involved in sports is a great way to stay active. You can also earn scholarships from playing certain sports, which will help you a lot.


Join a Club or Other after School Activities

Join a Club or Other after School Activities Photo Credit: Official U.S. Navy Gallery

Along with sports, colleges also look at whether you've been involved in some sort of after school activity. A few good examples would be SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving), community outreach, or even a foreign language club. This is also a good way to meet new people, and just have fun!


Maintain a Good GPA Throughout Your High School Years

Maintain a Good GPA Throughout Your High School Years Photo Credit: Krysta Larson

Maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA is a very good idea. Colleges look at your cumulative GPA, and depending on your ACT/SAT scores universities won't even consider letting someone with a low GPA in. But no worries, if you have troubles with your high school grades, you can go to a community college first, and maintain a good GPA there, then transfer to a higher university.


Do Well on the ACT Test

Do Well on the ACT Test Photo Credit: danocamera

During your junior year of high school, you'll be taking the ACT. This test is very important, and is a huge factor in determining what college/university you can get into. It's a very wise idea to pay attention in class when you're prepping for the ACT. Also, they have books you can purchase that will give you a good idea on what the ACT will be like. And even if you do get a low score, you can always retake it.


Go on Campus Tours

Go on Campus Tours Photo Credit: Prabhu B

If you want to see what the college life is all about, you can always take a campus tour. Some colleges let you roam their campuses whenever, some others will have you schedule a tour. Take a tour around the colleges/universities you're interested in. You'll be able to get a glance at what it's like there.


Get Information on Designated Websites

Get Information on Designated Websites Photo Credit: Extra Ketchup

Most colleges/universities have their information on a website. You can check out what they major in, the location of the campus, dorming, and a bunch of other important information. You can make a list of what colleges/universities you really like, and find their websites.


Look for Scholarships

Look for Scholarships Photo Credit: Christopher S. Penn

Getting a scholarship will help you a lot with college. Scholarships can be awarded for almost anything, from playing a sport to competing in an art competition. You can also find out more about scholarships online.


Fill out Your Application ASAP

Fill out Your Application ASAP Photo Credit: martemus

It's a very good idea to fill out a college application during your junior year of high school. That way, you won't have to wait until last minute and rush. Some applications have to be mailed, while others can be done online. Either way, get it done! You won't regret it.

Hopefully, these tips will help you or someone you know prepare for college. Do you have any other suggestions on how to prep for college?

Top Photo Credit: onlinedegree7

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Very nice tips, I'll definitely be using these! Thank you!

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