8 Most Common Makeup Mistakes ...


8 Most Common Makeup Mistakes ...
8 Most Common Makeup Mistakes ...

Makeup is fun, and makes us feel so good. If only woman was born with the instinctive knowledge of how to apply it, though. I’ve committed my fair share of makeup mistakes, so I’d like to spare you the same disasters. Here are some of the most common errors.

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Panda Eyes

Panda Eyes That ring of heavy black eyeliner right around the eyes is SO not a good look. Unless you want to want to look as if you’ve been punched in both eyes. Practise the feline flick by all means, but leave the panda look for endangered species.

Photo Credit: hayyitsginaa


Mismatched Foundation

Now this is an easy mistake to understand. With the bewildering range of foundations out there, and the lighting in shops, it is difficult to find the right match. If you can afford one of those tailor-made foundations, great. If not, follow the old advice and go out into daylight to see how it looks on your skin.


Spider Lashes

Enough to make anyone scream. Yes, we all want lovely long lashes (see my other blog for that), but do you really want to look like you have two squashed arachnids attached to your eyelids? Forget the falsies, and find a mascara that lengthens your lashes without them growing so long they take over the world.


Blusher in the Wrong Place

Blusher in the Wrong Place Put it on the apples of the cheeks, please! Otherwise you will have that clown look off to a t. Suck in your cheeks and you will see where to apply it. And don’t overdo it …

Photo Credit: rose lovering *


Excessive Fake Tan

No, it will not fool anyone into thinking you’ve just spent two weeks sunning yourself on a tropical beach, especially if they see you every day. Fake is definitely better than sunbathing or sunbeds, but do the proper preparation first, and keep it subtle.


Pencilled Eyebrows

Pencilled Eyebrows This look belongs on drag queens or old ladies - and even the old ladies should know better. At least drag queens have the excuse that they need to stand out. If your brows are thin, find a good product and learn how to use it.

Photo Credit: hawhawjames


Applying Heavy Eye Makeup and a Strong Coloured Lipstick

Unless you are on stage, the old advice about accentuating one or the other really does hold true. Play up one feature, not everything.


Wearing the Wrong Makeup for the Occasion

If you want to impress in a job interview with your professionalism, keep your makeup smart but subtle. Wearing enough slap for a hooker will not get you the job.

What makeup mistakes did you commit before you knew better? Do you have any tips for cool cosmetics?

Top Photo Credit: hawhawjames

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank God I dont have to rectify much.

Omg i love the panda look >.> it's done very straight and neat, so i think it looks awesome o.o everyone its own opinion though (A)

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