8 Homeopathic Remedies to Help Your Cat ...


You must have heard of homeopathic remedies, and how they can be used to treat all sorts of problems, but did you know that they can also help your pet? There are even vets who specialise in alternative therapies. Here I suggest some remedies that you can use to treat your cat.

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After reading an article in a cat magazine, I gave this remedy to my very nervous cat, who hated moving house and travelling in the car. The next time I moved, she settled in much faster than normal, and didn’t miaow once in the car. It was amazing.



This is a great ‘first aid’ remedy for both cats and humans, and can be given in the case of shock. I must stress that of course your cat should be taken to the vet if injured in any way, but Aconite is a good remedy to have in your cupboard just in case.



is a excellent treatment for promoting healing. It can be given to your cat after injury or surgery.


Arnica is widely recognized for its natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can be particularly soothing for bruising and swelling. Whether your feline friend has taken an unfortunate tumble or is recovering from a procedure, administering Arnica can assist in reducing pain and accelerating the healing process. As with any remedy, it's critical to use the correct dosage, and you might want to consult with a homeopathic veterinarian for guidance. This precaution ensures your cat reaps all the benefits of Arnica without any adverse effects.



will help any ear or mouth infections, so may be worth keeping around if your cat is prone to infections.



has multiple uses. Like all homeopathic treatments, it can be as helpful in dealing with psychological as physical ailments. Try it if you have introduced a new cat to the household and your existing cat is jealous, or if your cat has lost a companion and is distressed.



Do you have a very shy cat who hates being left alone and follows you everwhere? Pulsatilla can help them cope, and you may finally be able to go to the bathroom alone! (Honestly, it’s like having a two year old child sometimes). Also good for conjunctivitis.



If you have a senior cat who is getting a bit stiff, or one that suffers from arthritis or rheumatism, this is an excellent remedy.



If you dislike using chemical flea treatments on your cat, try dosing them with Sulphur once a week. It can also help with mange or asthma (yes, cats get asthma too).

Again I will emphasise that homepathic remedies should only be used for minor conditions, or once your cat has seen a vet in more serious cases. If in doubt, or if your cat is clearly injured, distressed or in pain, seek immediate veterinary attention. However, there are many situations where such remedies can help, and you can easily find them in pharmacies – just buy the same remedies as you would do for yourself.

Top Photo Credit: quinn.anya

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