8 Fun Ways to Get a Cardio Work-out ...


8 Fun Ways to Get a Cardio Work-out ...
8 Fun Ways to Get a Cardio Work-out ...

We all know we’re supposed to be getting twenty minutes of heart-pounding cardio four times a week, but sometimes, we just lose our motivation to get on the elliptical and just do it. We want it to be more enjoyable than just flailing around looking foolish! So why not get some cardio and have fun at the same time? Here’s my list of 8 fun ways to get a good cardio work-out… are you ready?

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Chase Your Kids

Chase Your Kids Photo Credit: fulqvr_ps127

Just shout out, “Tag, you’re it!” and let the chase begin! A quick game of tag with the kids in the back yard or in the park, plus some somersaults or cartwheels for good measure, and you’re getting a great cardio workout. Do it for 20 minutes, so you’re out of breath and maybe a little sweaty, and you can skip the gym today!



Dance! Photo Credit: Ballet@hihihi

Who doesn’t like to dance? Turn on some music (or just put it on your iPod) and shake that booty! Queue up 20 minutes of your favorite dance tunes and sing along for extra points. Again, if you dance til you’re panting and sweaty, you’ve gotten your cardio for the day!



Swim Photo Credit: ~Kristin Taking Flight~

Swimming is such good exercise, and it’s easy on your joints, so give it a try! Swim a few laps at the city pool, or take a swim class. It only counts as cardio exercise if you get lift your heart rate consistently for at least 20 minutes, though, so keep it going!


Let Your Dog Walk YOU

Let Your Dog Walk YOU Photo Credit: Alfie | Japanorama

Take Fifi for a brisk walk… and then let her take the lead! Once she gets trotting, you’ll probably have to jog or run to keep up — and if you go for about a mile or so, chances are, your heart is pumping fast, and you’re getting your daily dose of cardio!


Participate in Gym Class

Participate in Gym Class Photo Credit: Kiss the Bride

Is the gym teacher at your little one’s school looking for a volunteer aide to keep the kids in line during gym class? Then lace up your trainers, grab a whistle, and get ready for about 40 minutes of running, jumping, and cardio!


Take a Class with Friends

Take a Class with Friends Photo Credit: Physical Park

There are so many cardio classes at gyms and community centers, there’s bound to be one that will work into your schedule, and those of a few of your best girl friends. What better way to get your cardio and have some quality time with your friends?


Hula Hoop or Bounce on a Trampoline

Hula Hoop or Bounce on a Trampoline Photo Credit: Megan Troyer

This is another fun cardio activity that will be more enjoyable with your kids! Grab a few hula hoops and have a twist contest… who can go the longest? It’s time to find out whether mom has the moves or not! You’ll be surprised how tiring this can be! Or you can bounce on a trampoline for about half an hour… whee!


Get Naughty

Get Naughty Photo Credit: Heather Ahrens

I can think of one more fun activity that will get your heart thumping and might last twenty minutes… wink spend some time with your sweetie getting sweaty and flushed… I can think of a lot of reasons to do this at least three or four times a week, can’t you?

Whew! Just writing that list made me tired! Now that I know so many fun ways to get a good cardio work-out, it’s not so bad… I actually kind of enjoy it! Which of these do you like best? (I’m going to have to go with the last one!) Or is there another fun cardio work-out you can share? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: Code Purple Photography

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love this exercise posts! Especially, since i'm a diet. (: And i also love to exercise. One of my fav is jumproping. (: and of course, the last one as well.....;)

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