8 Celebrity Campaigners ...


8 Celebrity Campaigners ...
8 Celebrity Campaigners ...

These days, many celebrities are known for using their name to campaign and raise awareness of issues such as poverty, politics and animal rights. In fact, this is nothing new – Brigitte Bardot gave up her film career 40 years ago to dedicate herself to animal rights. Here I list some active celebrity campaigners.

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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Photo Credit: UNHCR

Angelina has been actively campaigning on humanitarian issues since visiting Cambodia to film Tomb Raider. In 2001 she was made a UN Goodwill Ambassador, has visited many countries to meet refugees, and with partner Brad Pitt has established a charitable foundation.


George Clooney

George Clooney Photo Credit: Somewhere In Toronto

Clooney has been very vocal on the human rights atrocities in Darfur. He co-founded Not on My Watch, dedicated to ending genocide and mass atrocities, and also gives to many other causes.

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Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow Photo Credit: Internews Network

I look forward to the day when Mia is NOT talked about in terms of her former relationship with Woody Allen, but instead is known purely for her very active humanitarian work. If you feel helpless when you hear about human rights violations, visit Mia’s website for a very useful list of ways in which you can act.


Bob Geldof

Bob Geldof Photo Credit: Larks

Geldof’s approach may not please everyone, and many find him abrasive, but there is no denying that he has made a great impact. One may question whether rich stars banding together asking for our money can make a long-term difference (I certainly do), but I admire how he acted to do something, rather than just watch the news and say how terrible it was.



Anastacia Photo Credit: unclekuntz

Some celebrities like to support causes that they have personal experience of. Singer Anastasia has suffered from breast cancer and Crohn’s disease, and supports breast cancer charities. She has also founded her own charity to raise awareness, especially among younger women like herself.

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Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan Photo Credit: Reza Vaziri

Ex-Bond actor Brosnan has been an environmental campaigner for many years, together with his wife Keely. He has also supported many other charities, and worked for the rights of women and children.


Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan Photo Credit: Il Tanganelli

Action star Jackie has established several charities, but does not content himself with raising funds. Like Angelina Jolie, he has also made numerous trips on charitable missions, and has built schools for poor Chinese (not with his own hands, obviously …).


Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney Photo Credit: Beatlesgirl7

McCartney is best known for his work in promoting vegetarianism (oh, and writing a few nice songs as well). As well as animal rights, he also supports children’s charities, anti-minefield campaigns and has performed at many charity concerts.

How do you feel about celebrity campaigners – do you think they should stick to the day job, or have they as much right to an opinion as anyone else? Do celebrities help to raise the profile of a cause? Is it hypocritical of someone as rich as Paul McCartney to ask for donations from ordinary people?

Top Photo Credit: Cambodian Children's Fund-Shop For A Cause

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It wasn't meant to be a definitive list - time and space mean that I can't possibly include every activist from every field and country!

Do you mean only "related to Hollywood" when it comes to give someone "Celebrity" status?I think Players, writers, musicians, singers, politicians(?) and even acting stars of different countries should be included in the list.

Alicia Keys also should have been on this list. And Wyclef Jean. :) Im so glad celebrities raise awareness! I feel like people will listen to their favorite celebs more than normal people. It does seem a little hypocritical but at the same time, they can't give all their money away. They have huge bills to pay! Lolll.

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