7 Ways to Know He's Flirting with You ...

Melanie Dec 23, 2024

7 Ways to Know He's Flirting with You ...
7 Ways to Know He's Flirting with You ...

Sometimes, girls take a guys respect and turn it into flirting, when really, he is not flirting. Sometimes, girls don’t realize the guy is flirting, when really, he is flirting. Therefore, I am going to give you 7 ways to know he’s flirting with you …

Quiz: Decode His Flirting Style


How does he behave around you?

7. He Looks You in the Eye

When he is talking to you, he looks you in the eye. When you first make eye contact with you, he may slightly part his lips. Be careful, because eye contact alone doesn’t mean he is flirting with you. There has to be some other signs here.

6. He Laughs at Your Jokes

He gives this cute little laugh at your jokes. It seems that he is really into you and is listening to everything you say.


Even when your jokes are more dad-humor than comedy gold, he chuckles appreciatively. It's the way his eyes light up and he flashes that grin that's just shy of a full-blown laugh. He's genuinely amused—or at least he wants to make you feel like the wittiest person in the room. The point is, he's paying attention, and in the language of flirtation, his laughter is an encouraging sign that he finds joy in your presence.

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5. He Always Has a Smile

He is always smiling at you. In fact, you can’t recall a time when you didn’t see him smiling at you. For example, if you are a cashier and he comes in your line, he will stand there while he is waiting with a smile on his face.

4. Gaining Your Attention

It seems that he goes out of his way just to gain your attention. There’s those exaggerated movements, which usually means that the guy is trying to stand out from the crowd. Simply put, he is trying hard to get your attention.


He may be trying to make eye contact, smiling when you look his way, and even making small talk with you. He may also compliment you, touch your arm or shoulder, or make jokes to get your attention. He might even try to make plans with you, like suggesting you both go out for coffee or lunch. He may also find reasons to be around you, like coming to the same places you go or joining the same activities. All of these are signs that he’s interested in you and is trying to flirt.

3. Touches His Face

When a guy is flirting, he may touch his face. He may rub his ear or chin with the back of his finger. Sometimes, I think this is an uncontrollable movement that the guy doesn’t even realize he is doing. I noticed a lot of guys who are showing interest doing this. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should take it and run with it, unless, of course, there are other signs.

2. He Messes with His Hair

When guys are flirting, they have a tendency to mess with their hair. He may take both of his hands and rub them through his hair. I am sure some of you girls have witnessed this one before.

1. He Touches You on the Shoulder

When contact is made, I think this is a good sign that he is flirting. If he leans over and touches you on the shoulder gently, then you may have a flirty guy on your hands. Sometimes, he may even give a gently push or gentle slap.

Those are 7 ways to know he is flirting with you. Of course, even with these ways, you can never be too sure. Just take it one day at a time and see where the days take you. If he is flirting, then he will start to show more and more interest in you. Perhaps you should try flirting back with him. If he stops talking after that, then he probably was not flirting. However, if he continues talking with you and things get deeper, then that is, of course, a sign. So, what are some signs in your book that he really is flirting with you?

Top image source: data.whicdn.com

Feedback Junction

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@Denise Cristobal no i havnt thats a good idea though but id be way to scared too! Hahah :)

There is a guy that I like who does these things when we talk, but when I texted him and told him I liked him, he never responded and he avoided me at school for days. Things are finally back to normal and I still like him but I can't tell if he likes me.

Hii :) so i do this stageschool every saturday for three hours and i reallly like this boy who goes there. Hes a year older but all my friends think hes into me.. He is always hugging me, touching me, pulling me close to him, talking to me differently to the way he talks to other people, singling me out ect and i thought he liked me! But we dont really speak outside stageschool cos he never uses his phone…plus, i thik if he liked me, hed say something by now (ive known him 2months) my friends say i shoukd tell him i like him but i dont want to embaress myself…we’re very flirty with each other, i always dress my best when i see him, im quite a witty person as it is so i dont know what else to do…should i say something?ask him out? Do you think he actually likes me or im i just misreafing the signs..please help! Thnx xxxx

Any advice? I have a friend and me and him flirt a lot bCk and forth and he does a lot of these but I still can\'t totally tell if he likes me or is just the flirty type. I have seen him hug other girls in between classes but between the classes that we have together, 3rd and 4th, he always makes a special effort to walk next to or behind me or close to me. Even with him hugging other girls between classes I still kind of feel like he treats me differently when I\'m around other girls. I can\'t tell if he really does like me or just doesn\'t like them enough to flirt with them. He doesn\'t realize I have seen him hug and flirt with the other girls because i never interrupt and say hi but I don\'t know if he treats them the same other than the little bits I see. I feel like it would help if I could text him but neither of us have each others number and I don\'t know if I should wait for him to ask for mine or give him mine or how to give him mine. Help!?!

worked! he flirts with me..................

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