7 Ways to Find Bargains ...


7 Ways to Find Bargains ...
7 Ways to Find Bargains ...

When it comes to bargain hunters,there are two kinds in this world: those who look for a bargain and those who live for a bargain. Think of the second group as guerrilla savers who’ve found creative ways to cut their costs and still get the things their families need. Here are 7 ways to help you find bargains!

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Yard Sale

Some people won't yard sale because they feel like they are picking over other peoples trash. While that may be true in some cases, not every yard sale is dirty. You can opt to go to the yard sales from homes in nicer subdivisions. Many times you will find furniture or dishes or other things at a great price!


Flea Market

The Flea Market is another place to find lower priced clothing and things you need. Time it just right, you should go either early in the day or later in the afternoon. Early in the morning you will get the best pick because many people aren't out and about yet, but late in the afternoon you may get better deals because people are packing up and getting ready to go. You can offer them half the price they have on something and they may be willing to take it just to avoid packing it back home again!


Shop with Smaller Bills

Shop with Smaller Bills Photo Credit: groovehouse

While out shopping, keep your bigger bills out of sight in your pocket or bag. If people see that you have $20 when you ask them to take $10 for an item, they may not come down because they know you have the cash for it. Appear as if you don't and you may get yourself a bargain! Another tip: leave your big bills and the checkbook at home altogether- if it's not there you won't be able to spend it!


Clip Coupons

You can save up to 35% on your grocery bill by using coupons. Clip them from the newspaper, sales papers, or print them from offline. Just don't be tempted to buy something you don't really need just because you have a coupon for it.


Buy What's on Sale

Plan each week's menu around the items that your local grocery store has on sale that week. Make a list of what you need to buy and stick to it, don't buy anything that's not on your list. Also, buy several of one item if it's on sale and you know you will use it. Buy things like cereal and juice in bulk. Compare prices from other stores and among different brands, you can save up to $5 on canned good buy using the store brand instead of the name brand!


Plan Ahead

When you make a meal for your family, make extra and then freeze it. Casseroles freeze very well. This eliminates dashing out and spending $25 on fast food at the last minute when you have no time to make supper. Simply pull out a frozen meal, pop it in the oven and defrost it! You've just saved yourself some hard-earned bucks!



Craigslist is an excellent place for finding bargains. A friend of mine just bought a 52-inch plasma screen TV for $50! If you are in need of a job, furniture, appliances, or even clothing, check out craigslist.com before you buy anything from a store. You never know what you may find!

Making simple, everyday changes and tweaks to your lifestyle can help save pennies. While that may seem small, pennies add up to dollars and dollars can build up to hundreds of dollars. It may be easy to spend, but it can be easy to save too. With a few changes you can knock out expensive habits and bring in saving habits!

Top Photo Credit: stacy able photography | https://www.stacyable.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ugh. I seriously wish we had coupons here in the Philippines. They would save so much money.

I love coupons. I know it takes some time to clip them but it's worth it...it's like free money almost. I save so much with them.

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