7 Things to do when Its Snowing out


There’s no reason to get all worked up when it starts snowing outdoors. Enjoy it! Whether you go outside or find something to do indoors is up to you. Here are some suggestions for 7 things to do when it’s snowing out. If you aren’t the outdoor type, then go for the indoor suggestions and vice versus. Some days I find that I end up doing a little bit of both. Maybe you’ll find something on this list you can keep in mind for the next snowy day you experience.

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Build a Snowman

I live in the south and fortunately every time it snows it’s damp enough that it’s easy to make a snowman. Even the smallest amount of snow can be scraped together and formed into a cute little snowman that I can set on the railing outside the kitchen window. Sure there might be bits of grass packed into the snow, due to the weak snowfalls down here, but even my grass laden snow being brings a smile to those who see him.


Have a Snowball Fight

Who says you have to have kids to have a snowball fight? So the neighbors stare a bit when I hide in my fort and pelt the unsuspecting passerby with misshapen snowballs. Just kidding. I make very nice snowballs! A harmless snowball fight with no face shots is always fun at any age.


Plan for Spring

Depending on the level of snowfall, this might be a good time to opt for a day indoors to plan for spring weather when it FINALLY arrives. Drag out the seed catalogs, bring out the atlas to draw up a map for a road trip, or search online for deals on spring travel. Many companies post some excellent deals during the winter to entice people to travel closer to spring.


Make Some Hot Chocolate with LOTS of Marshmallows

I prefer making hot coco from scratch with powdered baking chocolate, dried milk, non-dairy creamer, and good old sugar. Swiss Miss is fine in a pinch, but she just can’t provide that rich creamy flavor of hot chocolate that I grew up with. Sprinkling a bunch of miniature marshmallows on top not only tastes great, but it keeps your coco hot longer.


Snuggle on the Couch

There’s nothing like a snowy day to snuggle on the couch. This is an activity that can be done with a good book, a fuzzy cat, a lovey dog, or your honey. I prefer the latter myself, but a combo is always good too!


Get Crafty!

Not like the Beastie Boys’ song. I mean with beads or yarn or paint, anything you can use to make something creative with. Maybe you have a friend whose birthday is coming up. Why not make her a cool card? Homemade cards are an awesome surprise to get in the mail.


Bake Something Yummy

I seem to come across a lot of excellent recipes that I don’t always have time to try. I really like baking cakes, cookies, pies, and unique desserts. When the snow starts falling outdoors, the kitchen is usually the warmest place to be in my house. Not only is it warm, but it smells great when there’s a chocolaty surprise baking in the oven!

My list of 7 things to do when it’s snowing out is a short one, but I bet you can come up with a few to add to this list. Are you more of an outdoor person who enjoys being in the snow or an indoor person who would rather watch the flakes fall from inside a warm house? If you have any great suggestions for things to do on a snow day, please leave them in the comment section. I’m always looking for new ideas!

Top Photo Credit: Habub3

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hmmmm hot chocolate sounds good :P

Sounds good to me!!

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