7 Places You Should Volunteer Your Time for ...


7 Places You Should Volunteer Your Time for ...
7 Places You Should Volunteer Your Time for ...

Volunteer services are something both needed and admired. To be a volunteer is to give of your free time wholeheartedly into a program or work, expecting nothing in return except the gratification that comes with helping others. Are you up for it?

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Homeless Shelter

Most homeless families consist of a mother and her children, without the presence of a father. If you have a homeless shelter in your area, it would be incredibly thoughtful of you to donate some time to this outreach. Help to feed and shelter those less fortunate than your self.


Habitat for Humanity

The great thing about this organization is that it allows that ones who have been helped to take their turn at helping someone else. So, if you're handy with a hammer and nails, dress in your work-wear and help build a house!

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Animal Shelter

Not only do humans need a place to stay, so do all our furry little friends! If you're an animal person like me, an animal shelter is right up your alley! Fill your day with wet licks on the nose, furry bundles to cuddle and getting to hook that little boy up with his new dog pal! What better day could you have?



Even the hospital has room for volunteers. At one time, they were called "candy stripers" though you don't hear that term much anymore. Basically, you have the opportunity to be the family of a person who has no family, or bring smiles to the faces of sick children. Either way, you're sure to leave feeling as if you've changed someone's life. And you know what? You probably did!


American Red Cross

The Red Cross has many different avenues of volunteer work. In fact, it's probably one of the largest outreach programs in the world. You can choose from volunteering to feed and clothe people in the even of disaster, help restore some belongings to those who have experienced house fires, and even work to relay important messages to military service men and women. Contact your local Red Cross division for more information.

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Foster Kids

You can be a big sister to many little girls who have no one in their life. Become a mentor and you will never be the same person, guaranteed. Helping someone who cannot help their own self will do more for your heart than could ever imagine.


Nursing Homes

You would not believe the number of elderly people that are put in nursing homes and simple forgotten about by their friends and family, nor would you believe the great effect you could have on their life by volunteering your time to spend with these forgotten people either! Whether you volunteer one-on-one and take just one person in, or volunteer for all of them, your help would be appreciated. Why not speak with the activities director about a book-reading day a week or even an hour of singing? Become a regular, and you're sure to become popular! Trust me!

Where do you like to donate your time and talents? Share you favorite place by leaving a comment below.

Top Photo Credit: Phu Son

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foster kids are evil.

Animal shelter.

Animal shelter would be my choice

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