7 Great Outdoor Date Ideas for the Summer ...


7 Great Outdoor Date Ideas for the Summer ...
7 Great Outdoor Date Ideas for the Summer ...

It’s that time again, summer, the time of year when all those outdoor date activities you can’t do in the frozen tundra unthaw and become fun again. So this year, try out some great outdoor dates with your new man, or even the one that stuck with you through the seasons. Who knows, maybe the heat will transfer to your love life when you try these great summer date ideas!

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Picnic Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon

It seems a little cliché but there is something very cute and romantic about packing up some snacks and eating in the sunshine. Not only will you get to talk to your date but you also get to enjoy the rays on your face. Just watch out for ants and pesky bears with Asian inspired names.


Beach Day

Beach Day Photo Credit: Condix

It’s time to bust out the bikini and the beach bag. Why not take your date to the water and have some fun flirting under the sun. Take a dip, splash away, and lean back to catch some rays. Just remember to pack up your sunscreen, and make sure your date helps you put it on your back!

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Sailing Photo Credit: MarsW

Now for this one you actually need a little bit of experience. You or your date need to have gone sailing before and need to get your hands on a sailboat (please avoid any thievery to achieve this). Once you’re out on the water you’ll get a unique and fun experience and who knows, maybe if you don’t know how to sail you will at the end of the date!



Mini-golfing Photo Credit: ti4s

That’s right, outdoor mini golfing is back. It seems a little cheesy and young but, it can be a lot of fun. Challenge your date to see who can make the least shots to make the ball at each hole.

Maybe let him win a little bit if it’s the first date. Either way, mini golfing is a great way to have a little fun on your date.


Sporting Event

Sporting Event Photo Credit: KcJacoby

Take me out to the ball game! That’s right, it’s the season for outdoor sporting events and baseball caps. Why not take your fellah to a game. Either pay the money for some big game tickets or, if you’re on a budget go to a local game at a park. The blood might not pump the same way that it does at a big league game but you’ll still have a lot of fun!

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Bike Ride

Bike Ride Photo Credit: ELCAMINO1987

It’s time to dust the cobwebs off your poor deserted Schwinn, put some air in those tires and go for a good old fashioned bike ride. Just remember, cool down and relax, the bike ride isn’t about going the fastest. This date is all about enjoying the scenery with each other. Just remember, keep your balance!


Go to the Park

Go to the Park Photo Credit: BarneyF

This is more of a date for people that have been together a while. Grab a blanket and a book and lay out in the shade with your favorite book and your favorite guy. You don’t need to talk a whole lot just enjoy each others company. Or, if you just started dating, swing on the swings and act like a kid again! If that doesn’t spark conversation there isn’t much that will!

Well ladies, I hope the summer heat brings new fire to your love lives. Just remember, it’s summertime, the season is doing most of the work for you. All you have to do is kick back and let it! What are some of your summer date ideas? Let me know down below!

Top Photo Credit: Jewbakka

Feedback Junction

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Every time I'm at my boyfriend's house, we walk down to the neighborhood park when there's no one there and just talk about things while we swing. But some more suggestions are going to a local outdoor movie showing. I know of at least three places in my city that show movies outside at a park or a big grass area where you could bring a blanket & food lay with your sweetie. Also, a concert is fun at an ampitheatre. Also, a nearby outside mall has bands play every week and lots of people show up for that. They're both something that new and old couples could enjoy.

You're making me wish I lived near an ocean so badly :P

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