8 Easy Summer Dishes ...


8 Easy Summer Dishes ...
8 Easy Summer Dishes ...

I'm a lazy cook at the best of times, and when it gets really hot I can’t be bothered to do much cooking. To be fair, it’s far too hot to spend much time in the kitchen, and definitely too hot to put the oven on. So I’ve scoured recipes to find some easy summer dishes to share with you.

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Couscous Salad with Dried Cherries There’s a little bit of chopping but very little cooking involved in this dish. Dried fruit goes very well with couscous – if you can’t find cherries, try dried apricots instead. This would also make a great picnic or barbecue dish.


Grilled Lemon Chicken Kebabs I don’t eat meat myself, but this looks like a lovely fresh summery dish if you do. Lemon and chicken are a popular combination, and the kebabs could be served on a bed of rice or couscous.


Stir-fry Noodle Salad Noodle salads are one of my favorite summer dishes. For variety, you could try replacing the tofu with cooked chicken or salmon. Note – I suspect that ‘4 tbsp blocks egg noodles’ should read ‘4 blocks’, as noodles would be very difficult to measure in tablespoons!


Chilled Carrot and Orange Soup Soups aren’t just for winter! Chilled soups are extremely refreshing in hot weather. Carrot and orange are a great combination, and this soup doesn’t involve much effort, aside from peeling carrots. Just remember that it needs a couple of hours chilling, so do plan ahead!


Courgette Fritters Or zucchini to US readers! These fritters are quick and easy. Personally I’d use ready-made breadcrumbs, since I’m lazy. Can you think of any other vegetables that would make good fritters?


Chilli Garlic Sardines This reminds me of holidays in Greece – even though I don’t eat fish, and I’ve never been to Greece. I guess it’s the typically Greek flavors of olive, lemon and grilled fish.


California Grilled Veggie Sandwich What could be easier than a sandwich? Okay, this takes a little more effort than just throwing a cold filling between two slices of bread, but not that much. Using different breads like foccaccia makes a sandwich more interesting.


Coffee Almond Tart Frozen Dessert Let’s not forget dessert! If you find yourself entertaining in hot weather, either buy a dessert or make something simple but luxurious like this dish. You could also make it in individual dishes just for yourself!

What are your favorite dishes to make when the heat is on? Can you share some simple dishes with us?

Top Photo Credit: colormeprada

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