6 Best Home Business Ideas ...


6 Best Home Business Ideas ...
6 Best Home Business Ideas ...

Have you ever dreamed of running your own empire, and working from home? I know I have! It’s an ever-popular fantasy, but how many people do you know that actually make it happen? I’ve been looking into the most successful home businesses, and the best fields to start in. Here are my top six suggestions...

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Run a Website

Run a Website Photo Credit: mark sebastian

Set up a website that you love. Talk about things you know (finance, marketing, sales, anything) and give useful information in an easy to read way. Consider selling e-books you’ve written, or books you’d recommend, or charging for an hour of your personal time to help a business.


Write Articles

Write Articles Photo Credit: vwynx

Websites such as peopleperhour are always full of people needing content written for them, and while this can be low paying, if you only pick things you know about and write in a clear, fast way, you could find yourself making a healthy income. Make sure you get a deposit on any work, though, so that you don’t send it and find that the business has disappeared!

Frequently asked questions


Buy and Sell

Buy and Sell Photo Credit: Okinawa Soba

Find something you know about. Scaletrix, dolls, Legos, whatever. Anything that you have a good knowledge of, and start searching for it. How much will it go for on eBay, and can you source it cheaper? Could you make a profit once business expenses are out of the way, and how certain is it to sell? This is one of the most successful business models, but it can be frustrating and does take time!


Convert Your Hobbies

Convert Your Hobbies Photo Credit: kathrynivy.com

Can you read? Proof-read for someone. Excellent at maths? Check over people’s accounts before they submit them. Brilliant cook? Sell meals or cakes online. Love to knit? Sell your creations on eBay or Etsy. Use your hobbies, and try to make a business out of them.


Local Opportunities

Local Opportunities Photo Credit: RєRє

Utilize your local area. House mind for people going away, babysit, walk neighborhood dogs, take a paper round, work a few hours in the local shop. Your area will be thriving with work, but its not always obvious. See what you could do... after all, some of the biggest earners started as community projects!

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Virtual Office

Virtual Office Photo Credit: Natxo 68

Offer office duties from your own home. Answer telephone calls, make sales calls, write letters or documents, proofread... anything you’d do in an office. You’ll have to dedicate set time to this, but it's a good money maker, and you’d be surprised how many people want to outsource their office duties!

Remember that any business start-up carries risk, and you shouldn’t invest any more than you can afford. Ideally, find a temp job for a few hours, and use that money to fund a start-up. That way you aren’t spending money already ear-marked for something else! Have confidence in yourself, though, if you’ve got this far, you’ve got the drive to make it work! Have you got a successful home business? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: cottonblue

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This article is very helpful and definitely will give people ideas on how to work from home. Thanks!

Does anyone run a virtual office or does office duties from home please let me know ? if u do pls reply 2 this post!

I love cooking and baking, but I would be skeptical about doing it for others, unless I had a real good insurance, and most likely a license to be able to do this. There are so many people out there who want to benefit from others' misery, which is a shame, but true.

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