5 Fantastic Crafty Ideas ...


5 Fantastic Crafty Ideas ...
5 Fantastic Crafty Ideas ...

Pirates = Cute. Matryoshka dolls = double cute. So you can only guess just how frickin' adorable this shirt print is. Go and download NOW!

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Say you will be participating in a craft fair and you have no idea what to wear. Dana is here to the rescue with an outfit that costs less than $100. The hat is LOVE!


This is a project perfect for those who are into home design. You don't even have to have a sewing machine for this. You'll probably need an able assistant, though.


I have made a vow to learn a new craft every year. This year, knitting is my target. If you want to do the same but you don't know where to start, these crafty book recommendations will help you.


Extreme Knitting

Knitting isn't just for making scarves, you know. Check out Shauna Richardson's projects for some amazing knitting inspirations.

Top Photo Credit: ** Gabriela Camerotti**

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