5 Easy and Cheap Techniques to Beat Stress ...


5 Easy and Cheap Techniques to Beat Stress ...
5 Easy and Cheap Techniques to Beat Stress ...

Let's face it, life is hard. It seems that everything that we do causes us so much stress. From school projects to work meetings to even the simple task of deciding where to take your family for dinner, we get frazzled and overwhelmed to act efficiently. Before you finally lose it, try these simple and effective ways to relax. They are really helpful. These are not exercises that will require you to sweat. If you practice these, you will become better-adjusted to face and handle all the demands of your life.

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Meditate I have been practicing yoga for some time now but I still have a hard time doing meditation. I guess I just like the stretching and physical exertion involved with the poses and not the tranquility in meditation. Thankfully, I found this guide on meditation. The steps seem easy enough. I will definitely be trying this one of these days.

Photo by: Marcia Salviato


Relax Your Muscles

This exercise will make you aware of the difference between muscle tension and relaxation. It will make you aware of what your body is like when it is stressed and how great it truly feels when you are relaxed. The great thing about this is that you can do it just about anywhere. You can do it in the office, in bed, while waiting for the bus, or just sitting in a bench somewhere.

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Laugh Laughter truly is the best medicine. There is nothing like laughing your troubles away to keep you from breaking down and losing it. It's probably a little bit strange to have a step-by-step guide on gaining a sense of humor but this is something that some of us can benefit from. I, for one, does not always find something funny in everything that goes on around me. This is why this guide on how to have a sense of humoris helpful.

Photo by: Blindslug


Pamper Yourself

A bath is a miracle. It can rejuvenate you in ways that you can never fully comprehend. This will require a little bit of work on your part but it is worth it. Follow this recipeand you will be on your way to draining your troubles away.



Write Now this is one stress-reliever that truly works. Aside from yoga, writing has always been one of the things that help me relax. I just grab my laptop and type every idea in my mind, without worrying about who will read it or if it makes sense. This guide will help you get writing and feel lighter.

Photo by: Dia

Top Image by: Dennis Wong

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

nice tips! sadly but usually people use get drunk (or smoked) and that's it. but you forget about some pretty powerful and healthy way to beat stress- sex

It is very nice & helpful to the person who really wants to reduce their weight & to be confident women - SM

The bath in your top photo looks very relaxing. I love to write when I'm feeling stressed, especially poetry.

Sleeping,shopping,music and bath work for me.

Going to the mall to get tired sometimes works for me. But other times, I just get sad because I stop myself from buying things I cannot afford or don't need. :(

My best way to relieve stress is to go shopping, and try on a ton of clothes, find great bargains, get a yummy snack, and call it a day. Not only it gets my mind off everything else,it really makes me tired, so I have no problem falling and staying asleep....at least that day.

Haha you're right about the sex, Ave. But do people really need a step-by-step guide to have sex? :D

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