13 Tips on How to Treat in-Grown Hair ...


13 Tips on How to Treat in-Grown Hair ...
13 Tips on How to Treat in-Grown Hair ...

Have you ever had to deal with an in-grown hair? It can be quite painful and unsightly. There are many techniques on how to treat in-grown hair, so you should not have a problem once you read this blog posting. After you shave, a couple days later, you may start to notice red bumps that are itchy. Generally, that's a sign of in-grown hairs, which is a pesky problem that is hard to avoid. When I first got an in-grown hair, it was quite painful and that is when I decided to look up tips. Below, I am going to give you tips on how to treat and even avoid in-grown hair.

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There are medications available that you can use in order to help your in-grown hair.


These medications generally include topical creams to reduce swelling and steroid creams to decrease inflammation around the affected hair. For infection, a doctor might prescribe antibiotic ointments to tackle any bacteria exacerbating the issue. In more persistent cases, retinoids may be recommended to help remove dead skin cells and reduce skin pigment changes. To avoid potential side effects, it's essential to apply these treatments as directed and only after consulting with a healthcare professional. Remember, the right medication can ease discomfort and accelerate healing—so don't hesitate to seek medical advice.


Prevention is the Key

When you shave, you should avoid running your razor over the same spot more than once. Also, try shaving in the direction of the hair. In order to soften the hair before you shave it, you should use a moisturizer. If you are waxing, then you should still soften the hair before you do so and pull the wax strips off againt the direction of the growth of the hair.



When you have in-grown hairs, in order to prevent them from getting an infection, you should use an antiseptic on the area. It will wipe the bacteria out and will help get rid of the germs that cause infections. You can purchase antiseptics over the counter. These include iodine, hydrogen peroxide and isopropanol.


Exfoliate and Moisturize

Dead skin cells can build up on your skin and block hair follicles. In turn, this makes it difficult for the hair to grow out. In order to stop that dry skin, you should use a mild body wash that has synthetic beads in it. After you exfoliate, you should make sure you moisturize.


Did You Just Notice It?

When you notice an in-grown hair, move forward with caution. If you pick the skin or you use tweezers in order to yank it out, you will more than likely do more harm than good. If you do this, you could end up with an infection.


Soak the Affected Area

When you discover your in-grown hairs, you should soak the affected area in warm water for at least ten minutes. You could also use a salt-water solution in order to soften it up. When you soften the skin, it will allow you to remove the hair gently.


Extracting the Hair

Do you wish to extract the hair after you have softened it up? Get a magnifying mirror, this way you have a good view of what you are doing. You do not want to poke the wrong part of the area. Get a needle that has been sterilized with alcohol and inset it under part of the hair above the surface. Carefully pull the needle up and release the hair.


Use Vinegar Diluted with Water

If you are worried about bacteria and you would like to eliminate the hair naturally, you should use a solution of white vinegar that has been diluted with water. If you have an in-grown hair under your arm, it will be hard to soak it. In this situation, you should soak a washcloth, then place it under your arm.


Do You Have an Itchy Irritation Caused by in-grown Hairs?

If you have itchiness that is caused by in-grown hairs, then I recommend you using hydrocortisone cream. This is old-school over-the-counter. You may also choose to use an oatmeal lotion. While your skin is healing, you may want to choose to shave with an electric razor.


Is It under Your Arm?

If you have an in-grown hair under your arm, then you should refrain from certain deodorants. Applying products to the area will make matters worse.


Use a New Blade

Whenever you shave, you should make sure you use a new blade. Those old blades can get dull and introduce bacteria to the freshly shaved skin.


Disinfect the Area

The product you use should contain buffered fatty alcohol.


Keep It Clean

Most of all, when you have an in-grown hair, you should make sure you keep the entire area clean.

For those of you that are wondering how to treat in-grown hair, you should use my 13 tips in order to help you out. These tips will help to treat and prevent the problem you are having. When I used the tips to treat and prevent it, I didn’t get those frequent in-grown hairs. What do you do in order to treat your in-grown hairs? What is the worst place you ever had one? Answer with honesty…

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

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I never got this problem too! :)

I think we need a delete here. Good article, I get those all the time in the winter! Very annoying and the skin looks splotchy from far away.. these tips will help (:

Interesting article, but I never got this problem :)

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