10 Ways to Ask a Guy out ...


10 Ways to Ask a Guy out ...
10 Ways to Ask a Guy out ...

Asking a guy out can feel like orchestrating a grand symphony with squeaky instruments, right? But guess what? If I, someone who once nervously asked a guy out by accidentally sending a “professional” email riddled with typos, can do it, so can you. In 2024, breaking the ice has become more creative than ever, encompassing everything from clever puns to socially savvy texts. Imagine all the cool strategies available to make this daunting task not only smoother but also a lot of fun.

The beauty of asking out in today's world lies in the sheer versatility you've got at your fingertips. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all method; what's essential is to Understand His Hobbies. This means diving into what he loves most and crafting an invitation around it. If he’s into cooking, maybe invite him to a new cooking class you've wanted to check out yourself. Who can resist a delicious meal and a fun activity, after all?

One of my personal faves is the old-school way of writing a note. There's something incredibly charming and retro about this method, making it sturdy enough to break the ice without any digital distractions. Don't forget to Use a Compliment because we all love a little ego boost, even if we don't admit it. Complimenting his impeccable taste in vintage records while sliding in a concert date suggestion works like a charm.

Now, a significant part of the battle is overcoming your own anxiety. Sounds relatable? Then you'll certainly appreciate the section on Preparing Yourself Mentally and Emotionally. It’s loaded with tips on how to build up the courage, stay authentic, and boost your confidence, ensuring you don’t end up taking deep, dramatic breaths in the restroom minutes before making your move.

Of course, it’s 2024, and technology isn’t just for ordering pizzas and binge-watching TV shows; it’s also your wingman. From witty dating app openers to well-timed Instagram likes, knowing how to utilize tech can make a world of difference. We’ll delve into Digital Icebreakers that can turn a smattering of “likes” and harmless DMs into an actual date.

Finally, keep the humor alive. Whether you're trying one of the creative suggestions or sticking to something traditional, don’t forget to laugh at yourself and have fun in the process. Because in the game of love, a lighthearted approach often scores serious points. So brace yourself, release those butterflies, and get ready to make the first move with these wildly effective and amusing ways to ask a guy out!

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10. Scavenger Hunt

I have always liked the idea of a scavenger hunt. With this technique, you would leave the last clue in a note saying “I want you to go out with me” then tell him in the note where to find you. When he comes, hide behind something, then jump out behind him, cover his eyes and say “do you?”


This playful method adds a dash of mystery and fun to the mundane. Imagine the excitement as he pieces together each clue, building anticipation with every step. It's not just about asking him out; it's about creating a memorable experience that starts off with a thrill. After all, who doesn't love a bit of adventure? Just be sure to gauge his interest in games and riddles beforehand to ensure he enjoys the chase as much as the reveal. And when you finally ask, "do you?", his smile will say it all.

9. Kidnap His Jacket

This one is very cute. Kidnap his jacket and leave a note in it’s place. Make the note something like this “If you ever want to see your jacket again and me, then meet me at this restaurant if you want to go on “a date with me.”

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8. Business Card

On the business card, put “Will you go out with me? If interested, please contact me.” Include your e-mail address and phone number on it.

7. Which Color?

Send a big envelope filled with balloons. One red, one yellow, one green, one orange, one purple, one white and one black. Add a note saying “Will you go out with me? Send the blue balloon if the answer is no and send the red balloon if the answer is yes.” Yes, I know, there is no blue balloon.

6. Magazine Style

Find the guys favorite magazine or book that he is reading and put a piece of paper the size of the magazine or book. The paper in there should be slightly sprayed with perfume, then write a biography about you. On the bottom, in darker letters put: “I wonder if (insert his name) wants to go out with me.

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5. Date by an Appointment

This one is great if the guy you like works and schedules people for appointments. Call and make an appointment under another name. Then, show up at his office with some take out. This would be great if you knew what his favorite restaurant was. Ask a guy out this way and you definitely have a date!

4. And the Winner is

Write a letter to the guy that goes something like this “You won! You are the most eligible bachelor in town, would you be interested in going out with me?” Make sure to enclose your phone number. This is a great and unique way to ask a guy out!

3. Do You Floss?

Find a dental floss cartridge that is empty. Type or write a letter in thin lines, roll the letter on the spool so that only the beginning will be hanging out.

2. Send an E-mail

You could always do it the old fashioned (or is that new fashioned?) way and send an e-mail confessing your crush to him and asking him out.

1. Ask Him if He Has a Girlfriend

When/if he says “no,” then ask him if he wants a girlfriend. If he says sure, ask him if he has anyone in mind. It should end with you asking him out.

You see girls, you should ask a guy out in a way that will stick out in his mind. Gone are the days when we sat around waiting for them to ask us out. In this day and age, we are allowed to ask guys out without getting stared at. Do you like the unique ways to ask a guy out or do you want to stick with the traditional way?

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

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Can anyone help me heres the deal so my friend asked my crush out even though she knew i liked him he said yes but then dumped her after i admitted to him by text that i liked him when they were still going out, (am i a horrible person? xx) he told me that my two other friends pushed him in to saying yes in the first place then a while later he asked out one of my OTHER friends and she said yes but she dumped him right before valentines day!!! now he is single do you think i should ask him out???... he is so hot!!! :D thanx guys hope u can help!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx or get help if u need it like me!!!! :) xx

Well hi, So I like my cousin, he is adopted so it is not like incest or something. So it all started when I moved back home. We have not seen each other for almost nine years.. When I first saw him I did not think much of him at first but then with time things changed. I went to his house with my uncle. While my uncle was trying to fix my cousins computer with my other cousin, we were at the pool. It was a bright hot sunny day. We, for the first time started to really bond and talk. So he took his shirt off and jumped in the pool. I stayed by the pool side watching him. He started jumping and playing in the water. I think that is when I started to like him. He then came next to me and I wanted him to get closer and he did. I stared into his eyes and he did the same. We almost kissed but then I thought of my uncle, my parents and myself, and so I looked away. He told me THE REASON he was being nice to me that day was because he did not take his medication witch cuts off his emotions. When he told me that I got angry but I did not show it. After that he started bullying me, tickeling me and just being more annoying with me. Then he got a girlfriend and that is when everything changed... I got really jealous and all my family could talk about was him and his girlfriend. For example, how my aunt found used condoms under her couch! Though everytime he would touch me I got angry and jealous but I tried not to show it... Then he started bullying my aunt and i take this kind of play really offensive. AS A RESULT, we got into a nasty physical fight. My aunt had to seperate us. He told me later how I do not belong there and how I should not be there. Then me being angry, told him how he was adopted and how I did not want him to be my cousin... But truthfully if he was not my cousin I could have dated him freely but...... So it has been five months since we last talked..... It is killing me... I think I am going to burst... The worst part was is that I started to ignore him after the fight just to protect myself from mentally from breaking down and now he ignores me... It is horrible and I guess he is happy without me in his life.......... HE CURRENTLY HAS TWO GIRLFRIENDS. WHAT SHOULD I DO??

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