10 Things Girls Keep Secret ...


10 Things Girls Keep Secret ...
10 Things Girls Keep Secret ...

Of course girls have secrets. Some of us (ahem) aren’t exactly good at keeping secrets, but every girl has at least one all the same. Universally, girls share many of the same secrets. After doing some research on the subject, I decided to ask the girls I know to see if their answers matched up with what I found on the internet. Here are ten of the secrets I discovered, some of them expected and some of them quite surprising!

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Commitaphobe Photo Credit: Ginger_Blue

The universal stereotype is that men are afraid of commitment. Many of them are, but the counter-assumption is that women are never afraid of commitment, are always ready for it, and that simply isn’t true. Girls just tend to keep it a secret -- and to deal with it, by expressing it, discussing it, and coming to understand it.


Weighty Issues

Weighty Issues Photo Credit: Brabantia Life

Most women I know, myself include, keep their weight a secret, even from their spouses. Doctors know, and that’s about it. No matter what your weight or your body type, it can just be exceedingly difficult to make that revelation to anyone, even the people you love the most. There’s an insecurity there, a fear of judgment or recrimination. Simply put, it can be frigging awful.

Frequently asked questions


Long, Beautiful Hair

Long, Beautiful Hair Photo Credit: it's life.

With the exception of a few escaped childhood pictures, guys may never know what their girlfriends and wives look like with their natural hair color. If your girlfriend colors her hair, you’ll just have to use your imagination. I’m guilty of this. I hide under hats when my roots start to show. It’s not so much that I’m ashamed of my natural color, I just couldn’t wait for the color to completely fade.



Telepathy Photo Credit: Zfoto

Oh yes. All girls are a little psychic. Girls, whenever you and your partner walk into a room, down the street, whatever, you’re pretty sure you can spot which passersby your partner considers hot. Girls know. Some girls don’t keep it a secret all the time, though. It’s fun when you can tease your partner about it, too!


The Ex Factor

The Ex Factor Photo Credit: Shandi-lee

A lot of women do still think of their first love. Some still carry a nostalgic choice, based on nothing but memories, and some merely have friendly feelings to someone with whom they shared something incredible. But unless a girl has an understanding partner, she’ll keep those feelings a secret to make sure her lover’s not insecure or jealous.

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High Heel Hatred

High Heel Hatred Photo Credit: ??D o u b l e y o u

Although this is by no means true for every woman, a lot of the girls I talked to, and I myself, were in agreement about their hatred of high heels. They wear them a lot, but they’ll rarely admit it because they know it’s illogical and that they could be wearing something more comfortable.


A Cock and Bull Story

A Cock and Bull Story Photo Credit: Dave Durden

Most girls keep secrets about their men’s … business. I myself have been guilty about shamelessly lying about a former boyfriend’s area, and keeping my true feelings to myself -- to this day. You don’t want to crush the guy, although a little honesty on the subject would keep a lot of guys from swaggering when they shouldn’t be.


The Big O

The Big O Photo Credit: Anna Gay

A lot of the women I talked to copped to faking orgasms some of the time. I admit to this one myself -- and never told. It’s not that you don’t want to be honest with your partner, but sometimes it depends on the partner. You never want to hurt your lover, but it’s great when you can get your relationship that open.


Flirting Fantasies

Flirting Fantasies Photo Credit: Marcela P.

Girls like to flirt with people they really like. The problem is, sometimes a girl worries she’ll be rejected if she starts flirting first. And she can’t really ask, because then it doesn’t count. Just remember, whether you’ve been with her one week or ten years, flirting with her lover is always a thrill.


The Ex Factor II

The Ex Factor II Photo Credit: Omri Suissa

No matter how secure a girl is, at least one of your exes will always rub her the wrong way. She’s aware, however, that the same is likely true for one or more of her exes, so it’s rare she’ll say anything. However, if you’re sharp, you might be able to catch a hint in her demeanor.

There are, of course, lots of deeper, far more serious secrets women have, but some secrets are too private to share. Then again, you can gain a lot by sharing with others. Do you have any of those?

Top Photo Credit: ?alentina georgia pegorer

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I am guilty of nothing on the list.............am I normal?

i love this list! it's so true! and there's always a little you keep to yourself, like something you are scared of or something you love... stuff like that

Definitely guilty of number one, nice to know I'm not the only one!

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