As a parent, I have many tips up my sleeve. If you are already a parent, you probably see that some things are not so easy and babies do not come with an instruction manual. I am writing a blog on 10 things every new parent should know to help you out. Feel free to voice your opinion after you have read the blog.
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10. How do I Find the Perfect Birthday Present for under Ten Dollars?
Photo Credit: mirefugio20
Plan ahead of time and grab a game or toy whenever you see one on sale, even if there is not a Birthday coming up. Stocking up ahead of time is going to save you energy, money and time. You could also think cheap, yet fab. Creative ideas such as action figures, craft kits and plastic watches will be adored. For those older kids, a good book will do. Surf the web and I am sure you can find some good stuff.
9. How do I Find a Reliable Babysitter?
Photo Credit: TeeRish
I am not going to beat around the bush on this one, some people are just not right. They abuse children in ways we cannot think of and they still call themselves babysitters. How do you know your child is not falling in the wrong hands? It would be best to find a babysitter that is reliable. Ask friends, neighbors and pediatrician’s offices for recommendations. Narrow your search to those that have at least three years of childcare experience as well as CPR training. Check their references and set up interviews. Pay attention to their behavior. Do they look you in the eyes? Do they listen to your questions? Answer them thoughtfully? Do they seem in control? Are they resourceful, reliable and the chemistry is right? If you are not able to pay a good family member such as your parents to watch the children, then it is best to follow these guidelines. Again, you do not want your child to fall in the wrong hands. On an ending note, think about a nanny cam!
Frequently asked questions
8. How do I Find a Bathroom in a Hurry?
Photo Credit: coolmumu
Oh yeah, we have all been there! That kid needs to go and they need to go NOW! The obvious spots are services areas, rest stops, department stores, fast food joints and even grocery stores. If none of those are available, then go to the nearest restaurant. For those car trip emergencies, keep a potty kit in your truck. This includes plastic seat, bottled water and wipes. Pull over on the side of the road, make sure you are in a safe place, stay right beside your child and set up a porto-bathroom.
7. How do I Cut My Child's Bangs?
Photo Credit: phlewght
Why would you want to take your child to a stylist just to get their bangs cut? Invest in a pair of thinning shears or barber scissors. Wash, dry and comb the hair. Sit them on their high chair or some place so that their face is at eye level to yours. Divide her bangs into two horizontal sections evenly, one above the other. Clip the top section back. Hold the hair between your middle and pointer finger and then cut straight across until you have come to the desired length. Unclip the top layer and trim more.
6. How do I Say No, Especially when Other Parents Are Saying Yes?
Photo Credit: robonline
Do not rely on that “because I said so” statement. Try “other families have their own rules and you know we have our own rules too.” You need your children to know that other people's decisions are not always good, but they are not always bad. Tell them that you are not saying it to make them upset. Tell them you are saying it because you do not think it is good for you. It’s your job, so you do what you think is best for them.
5. How do I Clean Vomit?
Photo Credit: Tenzin's Mom
Okay, your child has gotten sick, aww… so, how do you clean up throw up? The trick here, no matter what surface it is on, is to get it done as quickly as possible. First, take a paper towel and get those solid remains out. For those hard surfaces, putting some cat litter on it will soak it up so that you can scoop it up and throw it away. If you do not have kitty litter, then sprinkling baking soda or cornstarch on it will work. For rugs and carpeted areas, invest in some dry cleaning fluid. Do a test to make sure it is not going to bleach the color out. After you have cleaned the vomit up, put the fluid over the stain. Blot with a dry cloth. Rewet the surface by putting a mild liquid detergent on there and then blot it with the cloth again. If the child vomits on the floor, then a solution of white vinegar and warm water will work.
4. How do I Breastfeed Discreetly in Public?
Photo Credit: c r z
I know, it's hard to breastfeed in public. Choose the right clothes that are easy to access. If you are wearing a shirt that buttons down, then undo the two buttons at the bottom and tuck the baby inside there. For some added privacy, drape the infant in a blanket or nurse them while you hold them in the baby sling. The fabric is going to cover up so it looks as if you are carrying a sleeping baby.
3. How Can I Change a Diaper Anywhere?
Photo Credit: debbiedoescakes
You may be able to wait to go to the bathroom, but the baby cannot hold it. Their bathroom is right where they are. Most places provide a pull down changing station in the restroom. The backseat of your car will also work. If you are stuck outside, put the stroller in the recline position and change the baby.
2. How do I Get the Kid to Eat Their Veggies?
Photo Credit: bitzi☂
Yeah, getting the child to eat vegetables is tough. If you want to raise a veggie lover, you need to be creative. Sneak that healthy stuff into the foods they already like. For instance, shred up some zucchini and carrots and put it in the meat loaf. Chop tomatoes, carrots and potatoes in small pieces and put them in chicken noodle soup. In the spaghetti sauce, put finely chopped celery and peppers. Layer romaine lettuce or spinach leaves with cheese on a tortilla. Roll it slightly and chill and cut it into slices to serve with some salsa.
1. Anything else I Ought to Know?
Photo Credit: boopsie.daisy
You will spend time in a dark room, watching your baby's little chest rise and then fall. Your world is hanging on each tiny breath. You will find yourself trying to hear the breathing on the monitor and get up in the middle of the night to place your hang gently on his/her chest so you can feel it ride. This need does not disappear. I bet when my child is older, she will say “mommy, why were you staring at me while I was asleep?”
Those are 10 things every parent should know. I have many, many more things parents should know, so continue watching my blogs if you are interested in this topic. Also, if you have some type of parenting advice/tips you are in need of, just suggest it in my blog and I will write about it! Do you have some things you would like to add to this blog?
Top Photo Credit: JennKstep