Jen's Tattoo Removal Day One Meet the Laser ...


Jen's Tattoo Removal Day One Meet the Laser ...
Jen's Tattoo Removal Day One Meet the Laser ...

Back in 1992, I got a tattoo. Just the outline of two little hearts on my upper arm. Not too tough or scary, kind of on a whim, but nothing I really regretted. Then, in 2005, not long after my youngest daughter was born, and against my better judgment, I got another, much larger and elaborate tattoo, to hide the original, demure tattoo. My husband at the time hated the original tattoo, so naturally, it had to go. I was SUCH an idiot. I should have ignored him!

I hated the new tattoo with a passion that burns with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. HATED IT. Itā€™s ugly. And Iā€™m really not the arm-band type. So for years Iā€™ve wanted to get rid of it. When I watched ā€œGladiator,ā€ I no longer drooled over Russell Croweā€™s spectacular hotness. I envied the toughness it took for him to scrape off his Roman tattoo, and wondered if my friend sarcastic suggestion of sand-blasting it off was viable. After all, I had survived childbirth. Twice.

Then I heard about Wrecking Balm, a cream thatā€™s supposed to fade (or, WRECK) tattoos. And Tat-Med, thatā€™s supposed to do the same thing, only cheaper. And of course I looked at laser surgery, butā€¦ I wasnā€™t sure which one would work, or be the most cost-effective. Then I decided to try them all. Why not? I already loathe my tattoo, so how much worse would it look? This is what my tattoo looked like this morning, before I did anything to itā€¦ yuck, huh?
Photo Credit: JennKstep

Today was day one of my quest to remove the tattoo, and my first stop was the Erase the Ink M.D., otherwise known as David Schwartzenfeld, his lovely assistant Terry, and their super high-tech 4-wavelength Q-switched yag laser. And the Chiller. THE CHILLER. As in, its sole purpose is to CHILL.

First, Terry asked a series of questions, concerned with my sun exposure and sensitivity or allergy to medications. Then Dr. Schwartzenfeld measured my tattoo (5.75ā€³ long by a tapering half-inch to 1.5 inches long) and proceeded to use The Chiller on my arm for about two minutes to numb it. It worked. It was pretty freakinā€™ chilly, as the name implies.

Then Dr. Schwartzenfeld and Terry discussed how to laser my tattoo in a way that wouldnā€™t embarrass me, and that would allow me enough space to compare the laser results to the two creams Iā€™d be using. Then, Terry fired up the laser, we put on our goggles, and she started to zap me (while Dr. Schwartzenfeld kept The Chiller going).

I wonā€™t lie. It hurt. The Erase the Ink M.D. website compares the lasering sensation as similar to the snapping of a rubber band on your skin, and thatā€™s really quite accurate. Ouchie! But The Chiller helps, a lot, and itā€™s over really, really quickly. My zapping only took about 30 seconds. This is what it looked like immediately after the laser treatment.
Photo Credit: JennKstep

Then Terry handed me a sheet with after-the-laser instructions (donā€™t get the area wet, donā€™t expose it to sun, donā€™t pick any blisters or scabs that may form, come back and see us in 6 weeks). Then I paid (gulp) and was out the door, a little non-stick bandage over my poor arm.

Next up, the Wrecking Balm and Tat-Med. Iā€™ll keep you postedā€¦ until then if you have any questions, please post them here, and Iā€™ll do m best to answer themā€¦ or, have you already had a tattoo removed? What was it like for you? Please let me knowā€¦

Top Photo Credit: JennKstep

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You're using the two creams in addition to the lasering? Or on the spots that weren't lasered? I'm interested in getting a tattoo removed & have been looking at laser removal & Wrecking Balm as well. No idea what Tat-Med is.

Hi Jen! I studpily got a much too big tattoo on my inner forearm. I'd LOVE to know how you are going with your laser removal and if I could see any picks if pos

I connected instantly with the term "white hot hatred" when describing your feelings in regard to your tattoo. I unfortunately am in the same boat. I must have broken my brain to have such a large, dark ugly thing done on my wrist and inner forearm! I have an appointment to begin laser treatments for removal this week. I am excited to see how you progress with your removal. Good luck.

Well, so far, the creams don't seem to be working AT ALL, and it's been 8 weeks. I'll be going for m second laser treatment next week, and I'll keep you posted. On a side note, my laser doc did say that the creams will work, eventually, like, after using them for a few YEARS. I've been using the creams on two parts of my tattoos that they didn't laser... you can see in the photo the parts they didn't laser, and that's where I've been using the creams... one on one side, one on the other.

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