8 Reasons Not to Ban the Pitbull ...


8 Reasons Not to Ban the Pitbull ...
8 Reasons Not to Ban the Pitbull ...

Punish the deed, not the breed. That’s the motto I like to stick to when it comes to the B.S.L (Breed Selective Legislation). Under the B.S.L, they are trying to ban “dangerous” breeds, such as the pitbull. Seriously, this is the most hideous thing I have ever heard of. I thought we lived in a country where being racist is wrong, yet people turn around and try to ban certain breeds. It doesn’t make sense. Look at my site and you will find some information on pitbulls – myths busted - pitbulllove.yolasite.com . Right now, I am going to give you 8 reasons not to ban the pitbull.

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They’re Good Family Dogs

They’re Good Family Dogs Photo Credit: e k p

Point blank, they make good family dogs. They’re fun to play with and they’re loving. They listen to commands. Yeah, that’s the problem. They are so loyal that they listen to anything their owner tells them.


Pitbulls are bursting with energy and affection making them wonderful companions for children who need a playful pal. Their protective nature also makes them excellent watchdogs, ensuring the safety and security of your loved ones. With proper training and socialization, they can show an incredible capacity for gentleness and patience, seamlessly integrating into the fabric of a family unit. They simply reflect the care and guidance they receive, much like a mirror of their owner's intentions. Consistent and positive reinforcement is key to nurturing their innate qualities.


So Many Good Families Have Them

So Many Good Families Have Them Photo Credit: staceyviera

Do you know how many good families in the United States own a pitbull? If you were to ban them, you would be taking away people’s dogs. Wait, what am I saying, they have already done this in some areas. It’s sad to watch a child cry as their dog was being taken away. To that child “your dog was taken away and killed because of his breed.” Wow, what does that teach them about racism?


What a harsh lesson for a youngster that love doesn't triumph over prejudice. Pitbulls in nurturing homes demonstrate daily they're as loving and loyal as any other breed. These families have raised their pitbulls with care, only to face the gut-wrenching possibility that their innocent, cherished pet might be legally seized. Their pitbull, a furry family member who's never shown aggression, suddenly judged solely by appearance. This misguided viewpoint doesn't just penalize the dog, but it emotionally devastates all those who considered that dog a crucial part of their family unit. The trauma inflicted is both needless and profound.

Frequently asked questions

A lot of people think pit bulls are dangerous because of news reports and media hype. But really, it’s all about how a dog is raised and trained. Any dog can be loving or aggressive.

Not really! Studies show that pit bulls are not naturally more aggressive than other breeds. It's all about the environment they grow up in and how they are treated.

Pit bulls do have a strong bite, but so do other breeds like German Shepherds and Rottweilers. Bite strength isn't everything—how the dog is trained and socialized matters a lot more.

Absolutely! Pit bulls can be amazing family pets. They are known to be really loyal and loving. With proper training and socialization, they can be just as great as any other dog breed.

Banning dog breeds isn’t the answer. It’s more effective to focus on responsible ownership and proper training and socialization. Any dog can be dangerous if not treated well, so let’s focus on education and training for all dog owners.


They’re the American Icon

They’re the American Icon Photo Credit: jcolman

Yeah, they are an American icon whether you like it or not. Stubby, a pitbull served in a war and saved lives. This breed has saved lives, why do they not get the respect and dignity that they deserve? Yet, little dogs who have done nothing get all the praise.


Pitbulls have etched their place in American culture, not just as pets but as loyal companions who have, time and again, proved their mettle. Sergeant Stubby, an example of sheer bravery, is a historic figure who not only served with soldiers but also acted as a mascot for American troops during World War I. Despite this rich legacy, the breed often faces unwarranted stigma and generalization. It's time we recognized their contributions and judged them for their individual behavior rather than breed-based stereotypes.


The Ban Doesn’t Stop Dog Bites

The Ban Doesn’t Stop Dog Bites Photo Credit: efprince

It’s a proven fact. This little ban people are trying to place will not stop dog bites. Statistics have even showed this. Just like putting a killer in prison, it does not stop other killers. OTHER dogs bite.


Proponents of these bans fail to recognize that dog bite incidents aren't breed-specific issues but rather individual animal behavior problems, often stemming from poor ownership or training practices. No particular breed is innately vicious. In fact, responsible ownership and proper socialization are key to preventing bites. The focus should be on promoting responsible pet ownership irrespective of breed. Moreover, targeting a single breed creates a false sense of security, potentially ignoring the risks posed by other breeds not included in the ban. The solution lies in educating about all dog behaviors and enforcing general safety measures, rather than ineffective breed-specific legislation.


Innocent Dogs Will Die

I was looking through pictures online the other night and I really do regret it. I have horrible images of these beautiful dogs piled on top of each other … dead. Why? Because the B.S.L was approved in the area they lived in. They took innocent dogs from their owners and killed them. That is sick. It’s wrong and not right.


Many of these dogs were family pets, with no history of aggression. They were beloved companions, their only crime being their breed. Regulations failed to consider individual temperament and history. Imagine the anguish of these pet owners, forced to surrender their loyal friends, only to know the heartbreak of their brutal fate. The law delivered a cruel judgment, ripping apart bonds between humans and their cherished pets. This lack of compassion and justice flies in the face of what it means to be a civilized society. It's not only about the dogs; it's about our humanity being tarnished.

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It’s the Owners They Should Look at

It’s the Owners They Should Look at Photo Credit: woofslc

Punish the deed, not the breed! Who makes them do the deed? The owners do. I repeat, it is the owners fault! Yeah, yeah, go and say you did nothing but love the dog and it turned on you– I DO NOT believe you. There is something you must have done wrong – even if it was leave the child alone with the dog. Dogs can only take so much. They do not like to be pulled on – children shouldn’t even be left alone with a small dog.


It’s Wrong

It’s Wrong Photo Credit: ambermarie9187

Why would you want to ban the pit bull or any other breed for that matter? Don’t you think it is wrong? Who are we to sit there and say they are not allowed to live on Earth? We’re not God.


Banning a breed based on misconceptions and stereotypes isn't just unfair; it's morally questionable. Each dog, like a human, has an individual personality and character, molded by their upbringing, training, and environment. Sweeping judgments are an injustice to the countless pit bulls that have shown themselves to be loving, loyal, and gentle companions. Who are we to strip away the rights of a living creature based solely on its breed? It's a slippery slope when we start making decisions that undermine the intrinsic value of life in all its forms.


It’s a Form of Racism

It’s a Form of Racism Photo Credit: erinkejo

Some people walk around ranting about racism, then those same people go and sign petitions to have pitbulls banned. How hypocritical is this? This is a form of racism. Wanting to ban one breed just because of their name. Why not ban all little dogs? They bite just as much. Why not ban owners who teach the dogs wrong things? Why not ban humans – humans do stupid things, they kill people – shouldn’t that all make us look bad? What gives us the right?

I know that I was a little blunt in this blog, but I’m tired of all the pit haters out there. I don’t really understand how someone can be so hateful. Those are my 8 reasons not to ban the pitbull. I am sure, there will be posts on here of how they were bitten by a pitbull or how they should be banned, but I don’t care to hear that you want them banned. If you say it, then you are racist. What I do want to hear is your happy experience with your dog. Let these dogs shine, let people see that they are heroes and have been for a very long time. Let’s pull together and make this blog a positive place for pitbulls.

Top Photo Credit: MelanieFitzpatrick

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ok Grace, ban street cars as they causes most of the accidents though the fault was actually of the rash drivers! We know good things about the cars but they have their accident prone attitude also, so let us ban them. Do you think I am unreasonable here? Then think about the careless walker (before cursing the car) who may accidentaly came under the car just like your family cat may have teased the dog too far. Do you really think it is enough reason to ban and kill some dogs? After all they are lives. They are our nature's selection. If they are eliminated we dont know what impact it will have on our environment in the long run. So think even selfishly about your future generation and stop acting against nature. To protect your cat it is definately not the solution. Sorry..I became too emotional but cant stand the cruelty towards animal.

Grace, I have had a pitbull for 4 years now and she is the most kind a loving dog I have had. On the other hand, I've been bitten by a chihuahua, a poodle, and a dachsund. My cat was killed by a golden retriever. Aren't golden retrievers supposed to be kind and loving dogs? Aren't they one of the friendliest breeds? Your statement holds nothing against pitbulls because MOST dogs don't get along with cats. If your cat went out and killed a moth, would you automatically think that your cat was a bad breed? No, you'd consider instinct. Despite me being bitten and my cat bring killed, i'm not going to blame the breed. It was those particular dogs.

oh hellur girl im all with you i have 2 pitbulls my self

I have not had a pit bull myself but am dying to have one one day. My sister had an american blue pit bull from a puppy (which I would always suggest for a pit bulls unless you are confident of its upbringing). He was the sweetest dog I have ever met. The day I met him I had to help feed him and force him to drink as he had parvo. The dog had never met me before, was very sick and clearly very stressed and as I was forcing dioralyte down his throat, his teeth touched my hand. I said 'ow' as instructed by my sister (her training word) and he immediately opened his jaws as much as he could, despite the turkey baster down his throat. How can anyone say this dog is dangerous? Later in the same trip, my sister took in another pitbull which was being badly bullied by an older one at her friends house. Even in his heightened state of anxiety and fear, he still let me (a woman he'd never met before who smelled like another dog) clean all of his wounds. He slept in my room for a week and the only problem we had the whole time was my sister's pit bull getting protective of us. This happened twice and only when the other pit was stressed and scared. Not once did either get the slightest bit aggressive. The only indication that Grey didn't trust the new pit was that he was staying very close to us. Bearing in mind that these two dogs had never met, I think all of this 'pits are inherently dangerous' is a load of crap.

They want to bannish the Pitbull breeds in Sweden as well. I think it's really stupid. I lived in a family with 8 Staffordshire Bullterrier's and they are lovely dogs. It's the owners fault if the dog attacks someone and appears agressive. NOT the dog.

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