7 Ways to Make a Relationship Work after a Cheating Episode ...


7 Ways to Make a Relationship Work after a Cheating Episode ...
7 Ways to Make a Relationship Work after a Cheating Episode ...

They say you can fix a broken vase but the glue will always show. Now, that may work for glassware but relationships are something else. It’s true that, once an adultery has been committed, you can’t expect the things to go back to normal overnight, but many couples have managed to beat the odds, get past the cheating episode and live happily ever after. So, if you’re the one that cheated, the one that is trying to get past the partner’s infidelity or, if you just know a person that might use an advice – here are 7 steps that will make dealing with the situation easier.

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Think Things through

The cheating one has to decide whether he loves his partner enough to do everything possible to salvage the relationship. Cheating is the worst thing you can do and it would be foolish to expect the other person to say, “Ok, I forgive you. Now, did you get that shampoo I asked you to pick up on your way home?” It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice! Now, if you have been cheated on, I can totally understand how you feel right now. And, believe me, hiding it and pretending you don’t care is wrong. Let it all out, cry, don’t keep the pain bottled up inside. Once that is out of your system you will be able to think more rationally and decide whether you want the cheater back or no.


Get to the Bottom of It

Talking about the things that made you or your partner resort to cheating is not easy but it’s the only way. You see, I think most of my relationships failed because of the fact that I like to shove problems under the rug and pretend that everything is OK. Now, that’s definitely the easier way but it only leads to more problems and ends with cheating, breaking up or both. Find the problems and work up the solutions so you could have a fresh start.


Forget the Words and Focus on the Acts

“I love you” sure did mean a lot before that cheating episode but, honestly, it’s worth a diddly squat now! So, if you are the cheating one, find other ways to demonstrate your love and regain your “relationship credibility”. Just make sure they don’t involve material things because your loved one might feel like you are trying to buy their love. Explain how sorry you are, take responsibility for your actions and be prepared to answer all the questions your partner may have.


Forgive and Forget

Your partner had cheated on you, you’ve discussed it and decided to move on and try to make it work. Congratulations for letting the love win! However, jealousy and the lack of trust may interfere here so make sure that, once you forgive your cheating partner and learn a lesson, you observe the cheating episode as a thing of the past. Your partner should help you with that by working hard to regain your trust and you should be open to that. Don’t give in easily because he/she has to learn a lesson too, but don’t fall into the trap of using that mistake as an excuse to act jealous, make insulting comments or make him/her suffer.


Rekindle the Old Flames

Think about the things that brought you two together, that made you grow strong as a couple and re-experience those moments. Start going to dinners and visiting museums once again or go camping, hiking or anything you like. Do all those things you used to do while your relationship was still fresh. You see, one of the most common reasons for cheating is the feeling of being stuck in a rut. And, let’s face it, all relationships go through that boring phase when one person knows exactly what the other person will say, do or suggest.


Don’t Be Vindictive

Your partner’s cheating is not your get-out-of-jail-free card. If you take his cheating as a permission to cheat back once the good opportunity comes out, what’s the point of saving the relationship now only to destroy it again in a couple of days, months or years?


Work on the Trust

Every healthy relationship is build upon trust so, once you manage to trust each other again, things can go their usual way. Sometimes it takes years to get the relationship to what it used to be before the “unfortunate event”, sometimes you realize that you can never feel the same for that person again but sometimes, cheating or being cheated on opens your eyes and makes you realize how much you love that person and how you can’t stand the thought of losing her. The cheater should work very hard on rebuilding that trust – no lies, no checking out other girls/guys and no shutting off the phone.

What is your take on this? Have you ever been in this situation and, if yes, how did you deal with it? Feel free to add more tips and share your opinion on cheating, forgiving and moving on. Would you find it in your heart to forgive or would you break up immediately?

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I cheated on my girlfriend online and she caught me, I want to salvage the relationship. seeing her as hurt and broken up made me realize that i did something by default that im sworn to protect and I didn't. I love this women so much that it hurts I want to make it right, is it possible to salavage this ?? ive already taken steps to own the problem and to be accountable for it I just hope she gives me one chance to make it right

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years. I just recently admitted to cheating on him in our first year of dating and he has broken things off. I want so desperately to be with him and don't know how to make things work...

Husband cheated on me with a prostitute. He said he just did it. He was in another country on business and got approached walking down the street (this was in the Phillipines). He said he realized what he had done 5 seconds into the sex (used a condom) and told her to get the f**k out. He waited 9 months to tell me. I am so angry, we have been together 30 years. I am glad I found your website, as I'm searching for answers. He is beyond remorseful and wants to stay together, we have just started marriage counselling on his insistance!!!

You did good for telling him that, Rebecca. I'm proud of you:) A friend of mine cheated on her bf but she never told him that- he found out months later. I was actually present at that time, her phone was off and he knew she was with me so he kept calling and sending angry texts on my phone... things got REALLY ugly, I tell you. Anyways, they worked it out eventually- he loved her too much to let her go. I know they talked on the phone a lot those days, she tried not to leave the house too much, only when needed. No parties, no coffees with friends, nothing that could make him think, "She's out there having fun while you're suffering". Oh yeah, and her phone had to be on at all times. She'd freak out if her battery was low and had to text or call him immediately. And she does that even now, almost a whole year after the unfortunate event. Okay, they are a bit strange couple but that's the only cheating episode in a long distance relationship I can think of at the moment. Since it's a long distance relationship I'd suggest doing something unusual- send him a love letter, for example! Go visit him right away if you can. You will work that out, I'm sure of that. And, when you do, do everything you can to regain his trust. Maybe this sounds like I'm suggesting you should give up your own "privacy" or "send reports" of everything you do, heavens, no! The truth is that, when one cheats, a huge amount of trust is lost. So you must earn it back by showing him you have nothing to hide. P.S- Bravo for being honest and telling him. Most people would keep quiet and be like, "it's just a kiss, it didn't mean anything." Good luck and I'm keeping you my fingers crossed:) P.S.S- Gee, I wrote a novel! I guess I should stick to blogs, huh? :D

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