5 Color Schemes I Love for a Craft Room ...


5 Color Schemes I Love for a Craft Room ...
5 Color Schemes I Love for a Craft Room ...

Someday, I will have a craft room or studio in my house. A day will come when I will be fed up with getting a simple sewing corner; I will want a whole room to myself for whipping up anything that tickles my fancy. When that day comes, I will choose from among these color schemes to make my crafting space even more welcoming and just plain awesome. Here are the color schemes that fill my head when I daydream about finally having a craft room:

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Red + Turquoise + White

Red + Turquoise + White Photo Credits: 1. Tricolor, 2. retro blue bird, 3. Turquoise Bedroom, 4. Red Table (10/365)

This combination always makes me smile. There is just something about a wall painted in turquoise that makes me think of endless summer days. But the idea of a craft room with white walls sounds great to me as well. If I go with the latter for the overall paint, getting the right red table and turquoise cushions for the white couch will not be a problem. In fact, I can make the cushions myself using turquoise fabric in damask pattern.


Blue + White + Yellow + Aged Wood

Blue + White + Yellow + Aged Wood Photo Credits: 1. home floor, 2. Wooden Bench on Blue Painted Concrete, 3. step, 4. Yellow and White

This is a color scheme that reminds me of a beach cottage. The white will have that beach shack feel while the wooden parts will give off that treasured look. Add yellow in the form of curtains, sewing chair, and a huge inspiration board and my craft room will be pure haven! Having my actual house near the beach would be a great bonus. Can you imagine sewing while listening to the waves crashing to the shore? That would be perfection.


Patina Green + Pink + Plum

Patina Green + Pink + Plum Photo Credits: 1. purple velvet chair, 2. Green Shutters, 3. Untitled, 4. Pink plum blossom

These will be wonderful colors for a craft room in the city. Say...Paris? I think I'll have the same chair pictured here, too. Not only will it be awesome for taking tea breaks, its arm rests will also serve as pin cushions. I kid, I kid. What I like about this is that it's feminine without being too girly-girl. You know what I mean? Adding aged patina details here and there will add personality to a craft room with these colors.


Teal + Red + Dark Gray

Teal + Red + Dark Gray Photo Credits: 1. Red Chair, 2. Red railing with shadow 3885, 3. frameless clock - ny times, 4. Esther, red hallway, Seattle Library

While I love light-colored walls, there are times when I imagine that it must be fantastic to have a craft room that looks dark but warm. And nothing makes me feel warm than dark gray, teal and red together. I also like that this will make a room feel very grown up. Of course, huge windows will be called for. A cozy couch that I can get lost in while reading Japanese sewing magazines will be important, too.


Gold + Brown + Gray

Gold + Brown + Gray Photo Credits: 1. Steampunk Wallpaper/Background, 2. Old books, 3. Patina, 4. Lamp Lust

I have no other description for this color scheme except for "Steampunk." There are days when I daydream about getting a steampunk house and it follows that I'll want a craft room in this style, too. If there is a way to steampunk-ize my sewing machine, I'd gladly do it. Perfect additions to this type of craft room: a huge cross section photo of an antique sewing machine and rows upon rows of leather-covered books.

This was a fun post to write! I could go on about other colors I like but I'd hate to bore you. Also, you'd probably guess that I'm an amateur home stylist if I ramble on. But tell me, which of these do you think will work? I'd love to hear (uh...read) your opinions!

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I like Teal and Red the most

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