13 Signs He's Ready to Commit to You ...

Mercy Feb 10, 2025

13 Signs He's Ready to Commit to You ...
13 Signs He's Ready to Commit to You ...

Wondering if he’s the one? Well, if you want to be absolutely certain that you can take the next step, then here are 13 signs to look out for to check if he’s ready to commit!

1. It’s out in the Open

If your partner is expressive about how much he loves you and seriously talks about how much he wants to be with you, that’s a really good sign! Lucky you! Most relationships don’t get this far! Speed Dating Expert said: When A Man Wants To Become Your Husband, He Starts Acting Like Your Husband. When a man is ready to commit — as a boyfriend or husband — you will know it because he will simply start acting in that role.

2. You’re Not a Secret!

By now, you know just about everyone he associates with! He doesn’t want to keep you hidde* like a nasty secret. He’s confident that you’re the one he wants to be seen with.

3. Availability is the Key!

No matter how many times you call him in a day, he loves talking to you. That means he is ready to invest time - no matter how much work he has! Of course, don’t go overboard with your calls!

4. His Plans Include YOU

When he talks to his family or friends about his weekend plans he almost always talks about you! You are a vital part of his life - and he wants the world to know it! Wee, 20 yrs old student from Malaysia, said: When he switches from "me" to "we", that's a sign he's commiting to you at a deeper level. If your guy is all "I", "me", and "my" instead of "we" and "us" in conversations after you've been dating a while, his mindset is still in single guy mode.

5. No Guessing about the Future

When he discusses his future goals and plans he certainly has you in mind! So if you hear him using the word ‘we’ - you know you have your man forever! If he sees a future with you, then that’s half the job done!

6. You’re a Couple

Well, that’s his way of finding excuses to be around you. Now if this goes on well beyond the first year of dating then you’re on safe ground! He’s really ‘into you’ and that’s good news!

7. Best Friends for Life

He shares his innermost secrets and thoughts with you. You’re his confidant and best friend. He trusts you with his life. When you don’t have to pry out information, then you know this guy really wants to be candid with you.

8. Your Interests Matter

If your man goes the extra mile to find out what you like to eat, which movie you like to see, what kind of clothes you like to wear - then he’s really interested! Let him pamper you so give in and enjoy being treated like a queen. Mate Famber said: A commitment-ready guy is going to ask your opinion, consult you about decisions he needs to make, and has the ability to meet you half-way.

9. He Respects Your Decisions

If you say ‘Honey I don’t like to watch football on TV’ and he respects that, then you know he respects you as well. Respecting for your partner’s decisions are vital for a steady commitment!

10. He is Secretly Checking Your Ring Size!

Here is the clincher! Do we need to say it? There’s definitely marriage on his mind! If he’s checking your ring size it means he will propose - very soon!

11. He Invites You to Family Functions

If he includes you in family holidays and other special occasions, it's probably because he sees you being around for a very long time. He wouldn't want his family getting close to you if he thought otherwise! If his family already sees you as part of the family, then a marriage might be coming soon to make it official!

12. He Has Married Friends

This might sound silly but you are who your friends are, right? If your man is constantly surrounded by single friends, he might not want to give up that lifestyle anytime soon. However, if his network of friends includes mostly married men, he's going to feel more comfortable making that leap himself.

13. He Wants to Move in Together

If your relationship is just getting to this point, it's a good sign. Nothing says commitment like wanting to share your space with someone! For many guys, moving in together is like the "dress rehearsal" before married life. Show him how awesome it'd be to have you around all the time!

So now you have it - the 13 signs that show he is truly committed. Enjoy the romance! Savour the excitement. This one’s meant to last a lifetime!

This article was written in collaboration with editor Vanessa Salles.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This could be a article for men re-named: "How to get Laid FAST... & Keep Getting Laid" Women BEWARE, just beacuse a man says "WE", talks about the future, & talks to friends about including you in on plans doesn't mean he wants to commit... it could also mean he wants to keep getting laid, so he makes you THINK he wants to commit... & the friends part, well he probably just wants to make sure they don't call you by the wrong name. :)

Please I am facing a problem with my relationship...My boyfriend shares every nitty gritty of our relation with his best friend..that makes me embarassed many a times. According to him,he trusts his best friend more than me.Moreover his best friend keeps a close eye on our relationship.This uncomfortable situation makes me suffocated in this relationship at times.What to do?please help

I have a problem and i really need some advice... When we started dating we both agreed to take things slow. He was the first one to tell me he loved me and the first to bring up marriage in the future.. and of course after hearing all of this i fell in love with him, i found a man who truly wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. On my birthday on march-12 he told me he was ready for us to take the next step and move in together! we have been together for a year now... well last week he told me that we arnt moving in together and he is moving in with his parents so now i will be living alone AGAIN!!! he said he told me all of that crap because it made me happy. Even though he was the one who told me everything first.. he believed that by telling me this and making me happy that in time he would feel the same when the time came to move it aaannnddddd now come to find out its all a lie. i dont know what to do!! ive been playing hard to get, not bending over backwards for him anymore. but im heartbroken and i try my best to not let him see how hurt i am... am i doing the right thing ladies?? please give me your insight

I think women need to relax on this matter and not push the bloke into proposing. What really naffs me off is when I see teens getting engaged because they have found the 'one'. Please when I was 16 I truley believed my 18 year old boyfriend would be the man of my life, then I thought that about my second.. third.. fourth.. thirteenth boyfriend. Eventually I became realistic and decided to just enjoy my youthfulness. Now Iat 23 and still youthful I have met 'the one'. He's 29 and this time it's different. Are we engaged yet? No. Will he propose? Yes. The fact that he has told me he is wanting to propose withn 6 months and buys my Bride magazine with roses. No one can say when a man is ready for marriage it depends on the following. 1. Finance. 2. Maturity 3. The girl in question. 4. What his friends are upto, men are more likely to settle down if all of his man friends are settled down. Than those guys who's friendship circles are based arouns strip joints, Pizza Hut and C.O.D. 5. Whether he ever wants to get married. Girls, I may not be the most experienced or wisest women. But I do know this, if after years of being together you still see a photo of him and think 'Damn' and you got that warm butterfly giddy feeling. If he can make you laugh right through to your soul, if you lay there at night thinking, 'I could literally watch him sleep all night', If he makes your toes curl when it comes to sex, if just hearing his name makes you blush, if time stands still yet flys by so fast, if you can hand on heart say that you have ALL of those feelings YEARS into the relationship.....He won't be the tallest, bravest, most beautiful, or smartest man in the world.... but to you he is, then you have truley found 'The One'. That's the only thing I can be sure of. So unless this is not what your feeling, do not commit to the guy. Chances are he is feeling the same way. Be honest with yourselves, be inlove with one another, not with the idea of marriage/relationships, I have seen so many miserable men who rushed into marriage, not loving thier wives because they were pushed and pushed. Do thier wives love them? No, but they love being married. Do not become a victim to this! hope you find the love of your lives guys!

I'm dating a guy and he says he loves me and doesn't want to lose me and that I'm his but he's never really said I'm his girlfriend so what am I?

I've been in a relationship for 6 months now and very deeply in love. Yes, we met online. Yes, we're over the age of 25. And yes, we have our own lives yet always make time for each other. We did talk about marriage and had said on many occassions that we're the ones for each other. We've basically done everything within the 6 months: met the parents, met the friends, go on a road trip and survived, gone through a trip to the ER (I fractured my ankle and he took me there, never leaving my side), and even the nitty gritty embarassing moments in front of each other. My mom said that we're like an old married couple, minus the ring. But the best thing about our relationship is that we're honest with ourselves and with each other. I know most people who are reading this think that 6 months is too soon. But we've done everything stated in the article. It's now a matter of time. I'll be honest, if he propose now, 6 months from now, or even 2 years from now, I'll say yes. But in the meantime, I'm willing to wait. Besides, I rather have this happen when I least expected (just like we found each other when we least expected).

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