Have you ever noticed how everyone has different advice? From how to lose weight to how to deal with cheating, if you’ve got a problem, everyone will have a different solution. So how do you whose right, and which advice to ignore? Well, while it can’t help with every situation, I’ve found that having some life rules really helps with complicated problems. Here are 10 life rules you definitely shouldn’t break, to help you with those tough times...
Snapshot Survey
Pretend All Children Are Angels
Photo Credit: flowerpowaa
Whether they are having tantrums or sulking, never admit to your friends that their children are annoying you. While it’s completely normal to be irritated and even shocked about the behaviour of some children, it isn’t very polite to point this out. Especially as young children can be hard to control at the best of times! Be aware when children are around, but refrain from commenting on their behaviour. Not only will it prevent problems, but it will also make you appear very elegant.
Don’t Tell Them They Can do Better
Photo Credit: Darrell Godliman
Never tell anyone that they can do better. Even when they ask you what you think of their other half...it never goes well. They will immediately become defensive, and take it as an attack on themselves and their other half. If they really can do better, then simply treat their other half politely and be there to help them when they realize themselves. Getting involved is simply too much trouble!
Order the Food You Want
If you are eating out, whether with your partner, your family or your friends, think about what you want and order it. There is nothing worse than sitting with someone who picks at a salad, and it’s even worse if they then pick at your food! If you want something but don’t want a whole portion, suggest sharing. It’ll make you a much better person to eat out with!
Stay Individual
If your friend or colleague has bought, and showed off, those amazing shoes before you got chance to get them, don’t buy them. If you need the item, buy it in a different colour or print, and don’t make a big deal out of it. Fashion fall-outs? More hassle then they are worth!
Keep Your Private Life Private
Photo Credit: *Tiny Dancer*
Don’t discuss your private life with everyone, unless you want it to be widely up for discussion. Instead, pick one or two people to confide in, and meet with them regularly to discuss life. This prevents you being involved in gossip, and also gives you a dignified and in control outlook! If you tell everyone everything, you’ll find that it becomes harder and harder to have any type of ‘private’ life, and you’ll fuel gossip.
Remember There is Always Someone Worse
Photo Credit: tr33lo
When things start to go wrong, it’s easy to forget that there will be people a lot worse off then you. It’s quite a humbling lesson to learn! I remember when I was very young, going to meet my Grandfather in hospital, and complaining to him about something. He responded by explaining that when he was growing up, he had six brothers. In the morning, the first one to wake up would get clean water to wash in, their pick of the clothes, and the nicest food. The last one to get up would be left with whatever the others hadn’t taken. When he complained once, his father took him to an orphanage, where the children begged for food and clothes all day, and often returned empty handed. It certainly made me re-evaluate how bad my situation was!
Try Your Best
Photo Credit: Matti Á.
When you were little, you were probably taught to try your best at your homework. This lesson is often forgotten, but is one of the most important. Whatever you are doing, make sure that you give it your all. Even if you don’t want to be doing it, it’s worth your best shot. If you do it, and do it badly, you’ll have to do it again. If you do it well, you’ll have achieved something (however small) and be able to move on to doing something else. Give everything your all, and you’ll be rewarded.
Be Passionate
My favourite rule is to be passionate. Love everything that you do. Smile whenever you can, dream the biggest you can, and reach for the stars. Whatever happens, if you are full of passion, you’ll be able to conquer anything. Cry when you need too, take chances and be honest. Live consciously yet fearlessly. It pays off!
Express Gratitude
Photo Credit: B a r ش a
Remember that every action you take affects others as well as yourself, and that the affect may be positive or negative for them, just as it is for you. Appreciate others involvement in your life, and be thankful for what you do have. Even when you are reduced to nothing, you’ll still have a healthy mind, and fresh eyes. Be grateful, and enjoy the things you have been blessed with rather than focusing on what you haven’t.
Be Who You Are, Not Who You’ve Been
Don’t place important on what has happened to you. There are things you can’t change, such as your family, and the circumstances you were born into. Instead, place importance on the things you choose to do. Winning awards, going travelling...anything that is a conscious choice. These things are what made you who you are, not the situation you found yourself in. Accepting that you are who you make yourself will empower you, and make you a stronger person.
I’ve found that living by these life rules has made me much happier with life, and prevented me from putting myself into those situations which are both stressful and unenjoyable. From the petty to the huge, try considering these, and putting them into action. You’ll be surprised at how life changing they can be! Do you have rules that you live by? Please share them with me!
Top Photo Credit: litherland