There are loads of books out there dedicated to the lovely cupcake. In fact, it seems like you can barely walk into the cookbook aisle without being bombarded by at least 10 cupcakes smiling back at you (and yes I said smiling, because we all know, cupcakes don't really scowl). And while there are some really fantastic cupcake books to choose from, today I thought I'd tell you about Cupcakes! by Elinor Klivans. Filled with gorgeous photography and perfectly moist and delicious recipes, this book will have you racing to the kitchen to whip up a batch before you can even say paper liner. With easy to follow recipes, the hardest part will be deciding what to bake first! My biggest complaint with the book is that I really wished there was a photograph for each recipe. Some of the techniques seem straightforward, but a picture example would have been great. Also, I should mention that this book has had some mixed customer reviews on Amazon. Seems that a bunch of folks have had problems with the basic chocolate cupcake recipe. However, I've made them several times (as have friends who don't have as much baking experience) and have not experienced that problem. Have any of you tried this book, and if so, have you run into any problems? If you haven't, and you're curious about the recipe, then be sure to check out this one for two-layer Chocolate-Covered Chocolate Cupcakes (with or without mint). I thought they came out wonderfully moist and perfectly sinful. To get the recipe,
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