30 Ways to Get a Guy to Ask You out ...

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Be You

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Dress as You Normally Would

Don't dress a certain way because you think that's what he would like. That's a sure-shot sign that you are trying too hard, especially on a first date. When I was 15, I had the biggest crush on this guy and I knew for a fact that his ex always had her face plastered with makeup. If he liked her that way, surely he would like me with a little blue eye shadow? I never found out because the one and only time I experimented with it, my best friend (thankfully) caught me before anyone else could see me and made me swear I would NEVER do that to my face again. I can't imagine what would have happened otherwise. I probably should have read these makeup tips for a successful first date. Moral of the story: If you are uncomfortable with very short skirts, high heels and dramatic make-up, steer clear of them. Try and figure out what works best for you and rock that with confidence!
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Accentuate Your Best Physical Features

There are some things you can wear and then some clothes that you should just not wear especially on a first date. Fashion trends are going to be the death of us one day! Don't follow them just to get a guy to ask you out because in the bargain, you might be highly uncomfortable and that's not the best thing for your confidence. Instead, figure out what suits your body and find ways to accentuate your best features. Draw attention to your killer legs, wear colors that bring out your gorgeous eyes, wear a belt to emphasize the curves of your waist, you get the point. Just remember that learning what looks good on you is a process. You may goof up every now and then but that's okay. Just be comfortable and enjoy the process!
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Don't Be Fake

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Eye Contact

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Flash a Smile

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Be Clear

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One of the most important ways to get a guy to ask you out is to find a way to show him subtly that you are available and very much single. Try and weave it into general banter. That's what I do. Also, this would be the perfect way to find out if he's single or no. If the coast is clear, yay you!
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Take the Initiative

Shrinking coy violets rarely get noticed. So if you like a guy and you want attention from him, stop waiting and praying and take that first step...no matter how scary! The next time you see him walk by, flash a lovely smile and say hi. You can't possibly go wrong with that! Here are some other ways to take initiative without scaring him off. Confidence is enamoring and sometimes, you might need to push yourself to take that first step but it's so worth it! These tips to show you are interested in him without being too clingy are sure to come handy.
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Be Approachable

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Common Ground

There are certain specific things most men love talking about: cars, sports, action movies to name a few. Find out what his likes and dislikes are and try to steer the conversation in that direction. And like I said earlier, don't pretend to be a fan of something just because you think it'll get him to ask you out. At the same time, don't shoot down his interests by saying something like "I HATE sports." Seem genuinely interested and listen to what he has to say. And if you really hate something he likes, try to playfully argue with him. That will bring you closer. Remember the keyword: playfully!
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Seize Every Moment Together with Him

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Be Witty

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Don't Get Friend-Zoned

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Leave Your Friends out of It

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Act on It

You took the initiative and used flirting tips to make him notice you and it worked! You and your crush are now talking to each other and now you want ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. Here's what you need to do. Glance at him often and if he catches you looking, smile. When the two of you are talking, look right into his eyes, listen to what he says and laugh at his jokes. Twirl your hair. And please make it look playful as opposed to forced. Brush your shoulder or arm against his every now and then. Actions do speak louder than words and you should take a moment to read about these body language signs of flirting. All this will make him realize that you are very interested in him.
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Find Excuses to Hang out with Him

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Don't Talk about Yourself Too Much

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Stay on Topic

You've done everything you've had to do. The flirting is on full swing. You've probably also used these tried and tested punch lines for getting asked out. Now all he has to do is actually ask you out to one of these best places for a successful first date. Some guys are smarter and will usually ask you out by this point. Others need a few more hints. So what I do is discuss stuff like upcoming concerts, new movies and restaurants that I can't wait to check out. Sound excited without sounding too desperate and you never know, an invitation may just be a breath away. When you do get to that first date, remember that certain topics are just off limits. Here are some things not to discuss on a first date. Also, read our post on little known conversational tips for a successful date.
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Stop at a High Point

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Position Yourself Cleverly

If the two of you are about to spend a decent amount of time together, just remember to keep changing your position often enough without seeming too fidgety (These ways to calm the nerves before the first date will come in handy). Face to face interaction usually means maximum eye contact and that will help you connect better. But sticking to his side, especially in a crowded room would mean being able to be closer to him physically. Remember to lean into him and talk softly. It's all about clever and timely positioning. And like I said, don't do it too often or you might get asked "Do you wanna use the restroom?" like I did!
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Have Fun

If you are with another group of 7 People You Need in Your Circle of Friends, concentrate on them instead of having one eye on him constantly. Don't spend your entire time watching his every move like a hawk or you're going to seriously spook him out. Instead, enjoy yourself with your own friends. Get them laughing or talking animatedly to you. This will make him wish he was with your crowd, especially with you. And if he happens to walk by, a warm smile and a hi would be perfect. And what if you are in a group with him? Well, read these ways to behave with your crush when you are in a group. I promise they'll help.
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Make Him Feel Great

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Be Confident

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Have a Sense of Humor

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Don't Be Obsessive

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Be Patient

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Don't Take Rejection Personally

I know this seems like a morbid tip in a post of ways to get a guy to ask you out but there is a little chance this might happen and I think it's very important to not take rejection to heart. If you've tried everything and he doesn't seem to respond or has turned you down, understand that at the end of the day you can't force feelings onto someone. He either does or doesn't feel the same way you do and the important thing is you tried. So move on and remember there are plenty of fish (some better) in the sea. Follow these 30 ways to get a guy to ask you out and I'm certain he will ask you out in a flash! Personally I believe that if the two of you have a great time together but he won't make the first move, just ask him out yourself. When you have this list of places for a date he cannot say not to, you'll feel more confident. If you have more tips on how to get a boyfriend or how to get a guy to ask you out, please share! I can't wait to hear from you!
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