Run Stairs to Build Strength and Endurance


Run Stairs to Build Strength and Endurance
Run Stairs to Build Strength and Endurance

In any sport - strength, explosiveness, and endurance are some of the major keys to success. An easy way to build these physical qualities is by running stairs. All you need is a access to a staircase or stadium (most school football fields have stairs) for a weekly workout. Football stand stairs are ideal since most have more than 100 steps.

Start by running at the bottom of the steps and run up them as fast as you can without skipping steps. Then walk down slowly. Repeat this routine for a total of five sets. Your legs should be pretty sore the next day. Work your way up to a total of ten sets. This routine will quickly build your overall endurance and leg strength.

When ten sets without skipping steps becomes easy, you can start carrying 10-25 pound dumbbells in each hand or carry them in a backpack. The increased load will help build your thigh, butt and calf muscles. Slowly work into skipping every other stair to help create explosive power which will decrease the overall time needed to complete your stair routine.

It’s a good idea not to begin this stair workout until you get yourself in good physical condition by jogging 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week for at least 3 to 4 weeks. This will strengthen your heart and lungs so it won’t be too much of a demand on your body.

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