It's THAT Time Your Costume Didn't Work out


It's THAT Time Your Costume Didn't Work out
It's THAT Time Your Costume Didn't Work out

What happens when we’re a week away from Halloween and/or costume parties and our costume’s arrived, but when we try it on, it’s a trainwreck?

This happened to me. I wanted to be a ball of yarn. I got a red yarn wig. Check. Beautiful. And I had the “genius” idea of (somehow, still not sure how - eep lol) wrapping an inflatable pumpkin costume with red yarn to make me the skein.

Well, I’m petite, which might have caused a problem. For some reason, this adult’s costume didn’t inflate as desired. I was droopy … AND fat. It wasn’t taught enough to hold the yarn ball correctly. Going as the fat-bum pumpkin? Not an option, you hear me?

So I came up with another idea quick. But I had about 6 days to receive every little piece of it (AND embroider something on part of the outfit - eek) before the big party. (With prizes for creativity and such, natch.) Now all these different parts help give the full picture - but they may not all arrive in time. As long as one crucial piece - the bling (natch, he he) arrives, I can manage the rest with a drug store run. (I can surely know I’m saying good-bye to that years-long coveted prize, however.)

Has this happened to you? What do you do?

If anyone else is in a costume pickle … write in the comments, let’s help each other out.

My new costume, you ask? In honour of newly running my own household: A housewife. (A rich one, too.) The purchased item I need is my faux engagement ring and wedding band. (Alas alas, I’m plum out of my own.) And I ordered a plain pink sweatsuit that actually is in true danger of arriving (coming from one of those plain apparel wholesalers) - that’s the item on which to be embroidered (on the tush: “wife”) so it actually needs to come in plenty of time — especially since I’ll also need to hem the pants (petite, remember). Sigh.

Wish me luck! And I hope all your costumes rock. (Do share!)

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