STOP! Dont throw anything away until you stop and think if it can be used for anything else. Take for instance these items pictured. Click images to enlarge
From top to bottom:
The old tired cupboards in my laundry were depressing so I painted a Tuscan landscape on them, much cheaper than buying new cupboards.
Old chairs put to good use by re-using the seats. Attached to a wall they make a bold statement and take up much less room.
A headboard made from some old wood panelling. Painted up it takes on a whole new life.
Designer bags are a hard thing to throw out as they can be so beautiful. Hang them on a bedroom wall and you can use them for storing all those little bits and bobs that clutter up the bedroom. Cheaper than a chest of drawers and easier to find stuff.
Old taps/faucets can be re-used as drawer handles.
Garden tools make great door handles on a garden shed adding a bit of style to an otherwise sad looking building.
Stone slabs for sinks and worktops. Rough and ready. Just glaze to make them easier to clean.
Got old wooden crates? Then stand them on their ends to create a storage scheme. Items are easier to find this way or even old leather suitcases attached to a wall, opened - this is another great way of storing, it's a shelf with a difference.
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