Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...


Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...
Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...

Did you and a long-time or short-time boyfriend just recently called it quits? If you did – and you are a sucker for wallowing in self pity, here’s one word for you: **Don’t! **

You may feel like the end of the world **if you and the supposed **love **of your life decided to call the whole thing **off, but remember that there is still life after him.

Here’s our top 5 tips **on how you can **effectively ****get over him and overcome **your oh-so-painful **heartache:

5. Allow Yourself to Be on Self-pity Mode

Eat your heart out or go on a photo retrospective of your good times together. Cry, scream, go all ‘drama queen-like’. Allowing yourself to wallow in self-pity is the first stage of the getting-over-him stage.

4. Get Rid of All of His Stuff

Get rid **of all of his **stuff, as well as any item which will remind you of your time together as a couple. After drowning yourself in self-pity, the next step is to get rid of all of his stuff so that you can start moving on.

3. Be like Victoria Beckham

Even if you’re going out for an ice cream – imagine that there’s a million **paparazzi **out o your trail who’ll take photos of what you’re wearing. This will give you that extra **confidence **and bounce on your step.

2. Treat Yourself like a Queen

Go to a really expensive salon and get a hair treatment. Don’t snip off your locks, however. Just give your hair a hair makeover, do your nails, get a massage. Treat yourself like a queen and **stop lounging at home **wearing pajamas all the time!

1. Start Going out Again

The only way that you can really get over a heartache is when you’ve already moved on. Start by going out again. Call your girlfriends and club-hop. **Flirt **with the cutest guy in the bar while looking like your usual **hot **self.

These tips should get you on the **right track **of getting over him and whatever **heartache **the bastard has caused! Lol…

Photo Credit: beautiful picture of Grace L

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

well i was in love with my best frend... whom i know for 6 yrs, since teenage! and he liked me since i met him( as he said) i liked him also bt never luved him... bt than i admitted tht i luve him aswell.... he was really nice although our relationship was never knwon to any one, he was my net frend ... and last yr we broke up... he was upset b'coz of our long distance relationship.... i'm devastated.. its been 7 months.. and i think he will come again in my life... bt i know he never will... i'm upset b'coz i feel this is failure of my life... im very shy person and don't share any personal related stuff to any one... even if its my thought... my only prob is i dun want any one bt him... or else no one.. bt still every one wants to be luved cared.. God i feel the biggest loser of the world

I quiet in love with my bestfriend for 5years...we so very close to each other, and even the family of us is very, my b.friend got many every guys and i was praying that they will not so selfish by then...till she decided to go abroad to find her future soon..what will i do? she still on my mind..i keep my self busy as always i pampered my self...and trying to be happy for what she takes...then why she still on my mind. pls pls pls help me.

I need to get over this guy, but we never dated. At all, or anything like it. I thought I was over him, but apparently not. He and I have the same circle of friends, have some classes together, and are kinda on our way to be friends again, which is what i want, so i don't wanna ruin it with feelings. How do I get over him, or at least move on. I know that I shouldn't like him. I don't want to like him, and for a while I thought I didn't. I just can't get him out of my head, and truthfully, I'm starting to hate not only him, but myself for liking him so much. Help me please?

Thanks Sheila...Can i continue talking to him because i found a very gud friend in him and he too cared a lot about my sentiments too..

Hi Two months back one boy in my office started showing so much frankness to me, he shared his future plans wid me exchanged msgs wid me, noticed me everyday wat i wear n all n then lways gave his comments whether i m luking gud or not...and all these things made me to start liking him...and then one day i shared my feeling that i like him but he replied i am like this to everyone and i am not settled at all, this would create only complicataions so just move ahead and at last he gave me hug but serioulsy i still like him and want to spend some time with him.we are still on talking terms but i want to knw is this worth to ask him go outside to spend some time with him.. i really wish if i could get him..Plz help...

I have been in love with my exhusband for over 15 years, divorced 6. He had an affair and it tore me up. He saw the girl for 8 years,they broke up, she left him and is begging to come back after 6 months. Now he came back to me because I think he knows he could. It made me so happy that maybe there would be another chance. He started calling everyday, seeing him 3 x week, then 2 x week, then 1 x week and didn't want sex anymore. Sex was never an issue with us. It was always good. He said he needed some space because he has never dated. I go to his church yesterday to only find what I expected. He had her(the new girl) there, which showed me this was more than he let on. He never took me to church recently. He told me that he didn't think it would work between her and him because she had another boyfriend. but if she took the time to go to church with him then there's more. He says he wants to be friends and that he will always love me. Is he being true or did I get used again? I feel awful, first; for being a fool to let him back to hurt me again. But I truely loved him. Then the lies he told in the mean time. He cried when I said I couldn't see him anymore. then after about a month, he called to see how I was doing? Said he wanted to be friends, not his decision. I miss him so bad and the hurt is so deep like no other hurt I have experienced. He was my soul mate for 15 years, I wished he fathered my children. What can I do to get over him? I already put his pictures up, put his toothbrush up and I'm in a waiting mode to see if he feels he made a mistake. Not letting him know though. I don't want him to think he has a big head and 2 women want him back. by the way this new girl is a doll. I can't compete with her. What does she see in him, he's not that good looking and is 14 years younger. HELP! S

please help!! i have a live in partner for almost 4yrs we have 2yrs old daughter. hes been cheating on me for many times but i forgiven him for our daugther sake and its hard for me too to be alone raising my child since i am a fulltime mother. lately, i have a suspicious again that he has another woman and its breaking my heart so much i always cried and so last night too i think my daughter felt that im hurt coz when she saw me crying she said wat and why even she just cant talk so well yet. now my heart is dying coz yesterday i confronted him why he wasnt able to go home the other night instead of giving his reason he is angry on me and he left without leaving our allowance.he said i am too jealous and suspicious.. i am so tired of him coz i feel he dont care my feelings but im thinking also formy daughter.. i am so confuse on what to do now..he will be home tomorrow but i dont what should i say to him. i used tothink that i will leave him and move on but still i stayed. please help what will i do?

i need a lover..i lost my love one 4 years ago but still i can't get over him since we have 1 child that reminds me of our memories together....but the problem is he got married...i just want to ask an advise if i should fight to win him back or just give chance to my million suitors..need a lover at this moment..please help me...a guy with stable job and can provide me and my son a better life...thankz..god bless..

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