I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it so boring being a grown-up. People expect you to be sensible and do grown-up things. Well, we can learn a lot from children and the simple way in which they approach life. Here’s how to bring out your inner child.
Snapshot Survey
Photo Credit: FragmentaryBlue
This might be easier if you can find kids to play with. Borrow a niece or young neighbour, and have fun just running around being silly and playing games.
Who Cares?
Photo Credit: Steve Wampler
Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks! If you want to splash in puddles, play on the swings, or chase pigeons, then do so. Kids don’t worry about how they look, so take a tip from them.
Photo Credit: phitar
If something makes you laugh, just let go and enjoy it. So what if people look at you? Don’t be afraid to just give in and laugh at a thought or a memory (unless you are somewhere where laughter would be inappropriate).
Do Nothing
Adults run around doing this and that, worrying about schedules and appointments. Kids just go with the flow. Take some time out, and just relax.
Photo Credit: marc do ( HOLIDAYS ;-)
The world is full of fascination for children, and they love to learn and experience new things. So copy that curiosity. Always be prepared to learn something new, and take an interest in what you see around you.
Photo Credit: crustydolphin
How many times have you heard it said that children prefer playing with the packaging than the toy? You don’t need sophisticated gadgets to entertain yourself – try enjoying simple pleasures.
In a child’s mind, a big box becomes a ship, cave, car, house … Don’t let your imagination be limited, but use it to its fullest. Try awakening your creativity.
Try, Try, Try
Does a toddler give up when he or she falls over, and decide that they won’t bother walking again? They might cry, but they get up and have another go. If you meet with setbacks or failures, don’t be afraid to try again.
Be Spontaneous
Photo Credit: Ryan Brenizer
Children don’t think too much before they act, and don’t spend hours deliberating over what is the right course of action. So while there are times when you need to think carefully, do try being spontaneous sometimes, and just doing what feels right.
What other tips do you have for being child-like, and enjoying the advantages of copying them? Are you always an adult, or do you love to play?
Top Photo Credit: neloqua
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