8 Reasons to Send Flowers ...


8 Reasons to Send Flowers ...
8 Reasons to Send Flowers ...

Sending flowers is a versatile gestures, because it can be done for so many reasons. There are different flowers for different occasions, different arrangements for different moods, and so on. Here, however, are 8 popular reasons to send flowers – and maybe they'll inspire you to send some as well!

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A Holiday

Naturally, celebrating a holiday is a great reason to send flowers. The act doesn't have to be relegated to Valentine's Day by any means. You can send flowers for Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, or New Year's, for Veteran's Day or Memorial Day, even for Halloween. You can send flowers on Friendship Day, Nurse Appreciation Day, not to mention Mother's Day and Father's Day – well, you get the idea.


To Show Your Love

Whether you are sending flowers to a spouse, a partner, a parent, a sibling, or a friend, doing so is a great way to show your love. Flowers aren't just for spouses and lovers either. Sometimes, in fact, they are the perfect gift for a friend or family member, especially if you just want to show someone that you love them.

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To Show Sympathy

When something bad happens, such as an illness, an accident, or a death in the family, sometimes you don't know what to say. At the same time, you want the people who are most affected to know that you are thinking of them. Sending them flowers at the hard times is a great way to do that. Including a card expressing your sympathy is also a good idea.


To Make Someone Smile

Do you ever just want to make someone smile? Well, sending them flowers is sure to make that happen. You might send these to a friend when you know she's having a bad day, or to your mom if you know she's feeling down, or to a dad, brother, or boyfriend, because hey. Flowers aren't just for girls. A guy may not broadcast the fact, but I bet most of them would be touched to receive flowers from friends, wives, or girlfriends. Of course, you might want to think twice about having it delivered to the office!


To Apologize

Sometimes it's hard to say “I'm sorry.” I know I have difficulty doing it sometimes, even when I truly am sorry and know that I've done something wrong. Again, flowers as a gesture can sometimes say the things you can't – or they can at least open up the lines of communication. Whether you're in the proverbial doghouse with your spouse or if you had a fight with your BFF, sending flowers first can let them know you're sorry for what happened.

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Just Because

One of the best reasons to send flowers is for no reason at all. Just do it because you feel like it. Whoever you're sending them to – lover, friend, family member – will love receiving them and will be touched that you did it just because.


To Be Romantic

Sending flowers is a great way to be romantic. This reason is, of course, pretty much relegated to partners and spouses. It doesn't have to be for any special occasion, but sending flowers before a date is a wonderful way to set a romantic tone for the evening.


Birthday or Anniversary

And lastly, birthdays and anniversaries are perfect occasions for flowers. Giving the recipient his or her favorite flowers on one of these days can mean the world to him or her. Plus, you can always let the flowers dry and save the petals as a keepsake!

Of course, some people don't like to send flowers on the grounds that they die, and that's cool too. Do you like sending and/or receiving flowers, though? If not, what gestures do you prefer?

Top Photo Credit: 2-Dog-Farm

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Flowers actually work on any occassion. But colours and species should be chosen wisely.

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