8 House Cleaning Methods That do Not Involve Chemicals ...

By Melanie5 Comments

8 House Cleaning Methods That do Not Involve Chemicals ...

I do not know about you girls and guys, but I cannot stand using bleach. Sure, it gets everything clean, which is a great feeling, I love clean, but I can’t stand the way it makes me feel. It makes me break out and causes itching. Sure, there are other chemicals out there that do not contain bleach, but there’s that word…chemicals. I want something that does not contain chemicals. So, I got to thinking and did some research. I found 8 house cleaning methods that do not involve chemicals and that is what I am going to discuss with you below.

8 Vinegar

Vinegar Photo Credit: Felicea

Who said you can use vinegar only in salads?! Do you have mold somewhere in your house? Perhaps in your bathroom? Spray some vinegar on it and it should kill it. As a note, be careful with black mold as it is harmful.

Frequently asked questions

7 Unscented Kitty Litter

Unscented Kitty Litter Photo Credit: sarahracha

Do you have a problem with moisture? Moisture caused milder. I like to keep a bowl of unscented kitty litter. The litter soaks up the moisture in the room. When it gets moist itself, makes sure you change it out.

6 Baking Soda

Baking Soda Photo Credit: tonto--kidd

Did you know that you can clean with baking soda? To get the smell out of that cutting board, just clean it down with some baking soda and watch how good it works. And when you're done cleaning, you could use the same baking soda to make some delicious pancakes!

5 Soap and Water

Soap and Water Photo Credit: richard.heeks

One of my favorite things to use involves using just plainold soap and water. It works when you are cleaning the kitchen counter, just make sure you rinse it afterwards. I figure if you use it ondishes, then why not use it on the kitchen counter? It sure does beat using bleach!

4 Plants

Plants Photo Credit: pinkyia™

Did you know that houseplants can be used in your home in order to fight indoor air pollution? They not only clean the air, but they also provide more oxygen. Besides cleaning the air and giving oxygen, plants add green to the inside of your home. I love them, because it brings a tough of nature inside with me and looks great!

3 Olive Oil and Vinegar

Do you know what these two do? Mix them together and you can polish your furniture! I use olive oil for a lot of things, including my hair. It's also great to soothe chapped lips!

2 Toothpaste

Do you have some jewelry that you would like to shine? Believe it or not, toothpaste can be used to clean your jewelry. I heard this tip a long time ago. Have any of you tried this?

1 Lemons

Lemons Photo Credit: Martjusha

One of my favorite things to clean with is lemons! They are great for removing stains on myfavorite pair of pants and other clothes! If your dishwasher starts to smell, then put a squeeze of lemon juice in with the soap. They can also be used to clean sinks, counters and anything else you need cleaned.

There you have 8 household things that you can clean with. As you see, there is no need to have all of those chemicals in your home. So,let’s go greenand start using my list! Is there anything you would like to add to my list?

Top Photo Credit: rpunzelr ~ {Michelle}

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