5 Dishes to Cook This Week...


5 Dishes to Cook This Week...
5 Dishes to Cook This Week...

This recipe is courtesy of Gwyneth Paltrow. The link has a video of her cooking so you might want to check that out. There is also a commentary that might just make your day.

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Have you ever tried making your own pasta? I have to admit that I have never done it. Thankfully, Suburban Grandma's simple but delicious recipe is here to guide me into the wonderful world of pasta-making.


Wow, this looks like it smells yummy and tastes heavenly! I love me some portobello mushrooms and this recipe is so easy, it would be a sin not to try it.


Oh the many meals you can have with your trusty cranberry applesauce. The recipe shared here is simple and yes, your sauce will last up to a year.


I have had breakfast but the thought of eating these whole wheat waffles is enough to make me hungry again. I really should buy a waffle iron.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

OMG Thos tacos look so tasty! Thats really cool that Gwyneth is in the video!

Those mushrooms look GOOD! And waffles, darling waffles. If I could, I'd have them everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mmm

PS we just bought some avocado too!! Yum!

omg, those tacos<3

Meream, so sweet of you to link to my easy egg drop pasta. You will love it, because it is easy, quick (no rolling, drying, or cutting, like with other pasta recipes). It really goes great with the strawberry soup I posted, which is also very simple and quick...and delicious. Thank you for being such a good sport and reading my posts!

Thank you for sharing my recipe! I'm going to have to try some of the others, they look delish!

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