8 Easy Ways to Bring Laughter to Your Life ...


When life’s troubles get the better of you, there are some things you can do to cope. You can talk to a therapist and take medication. You can turn to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes to help you escape. Or you can cope with your stress in a different manner: with laughter. Yes, I believe that laughter is the best medicine. And we are quite lucky that it is free and highly accessible to everyone. Here are some ideas to get you laughing.


Comedy Shows

Comedy Shows Photo Credit: Karen Martin Photo

For a quick laughter, watch your favorite comedy shows and movies on TV or DVD. You can also check out different stand up comedies on video. Watch the shows with a special someone or with friends and family.


Comedy Clubs

Comedy Clubs Photo Credit: stanfordcomedy

If you want a laugh while out in town, then you and your friends can go to a local comedy club. Find one with the kind of humor you enjoy. The point of going to a comedy club is to laugh the night away and not to end up being pissed off or offended.


Comics and Books

Comics and Books Photo Credit: katiescrapbooklady

There are a lot of funny comics and books that can bring laughter into your life. When you read the Sunday paper, don’t forget to check out the comics section. As for books, you can check out your local library or a bookshop for material that will bring you laughter.


Tell Jokes

Tell Jokes Photo Credit: kelsey_lovefusionphoto

Hang out with friends who make you laugh. Tell jokes with them. Don’t evaluate the jokes too much; just laugh if you find something funny.


Play Pranks

Play Pranks Photo Credit: Grif Batenhorst

Playing pranks is a fun and exciting way to generate laughter for everyone. Of course, you should remember to keep things innocent and harmless. The point here is to have good, clean fun.


Spend Time with a Child

Spend Time with a Child Photo Credit: 186,282 miles per second!

The best way to learn about laughter is to spend time with a child. Have you noticed how they laugh even when nothing is really funny? They allow things to amuse them without wondering what other people will think.


Be Silly with Your Partner

Be Silly with Your Partner Photo Credit: squeakypeach4

You can bring laughter into your relationship by allowing yourself to be silly with your partner. When the passion is gone, you still want to be able to laugh with your partner. Tickle each other, run around, wrestle, and just do things that make you feel loose and happy.


Learn to Laugh at Yourself

Learn to Laugh at Yourself Photo Credit: touchingthelight

Loosen up and let yourself make mistakes and blunders. Learn to laugh at yourself and be less serious about life. You will notice that problems will not bother you as much as they used to when you were more serious.

Although laughter cannot solve all of life’s problems, at least things become more bearable for you. You should always take time to let out a chuckle no matter how stressful your day is turning out to be. That little attempt at happiness can do wonders for your mind-set and your emotional state. Learn to find joy in the simple things and life will seem more beautiful to you.

Top Photo Credit: squeakypeach4

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I laugh at myself when I do mistake and laugh with me when I am success. For any extra dose I play with others including my pets,family,friends,partner,colleagues everyone.Then there is shows and prints.Humor is everywhere.

sometimes learning how to laugh comes from just stopping yourself from getting down. If you can take the hard times in stride, everything else will come easily

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