7 Celebrities Who Dropped out of High School ...

By Melanie8 Comments

7 Celebrities Who Dropped out of High School ...

I am not trying to encourage anyone to quit school, but I am showing you that an education isn’t an absolute necessity to have a successful life. You can also increase your brainpower without going to school. There are many ways that you can succeed and lots of ways to educate yourself. What about Albert Einstein? He dropped out of school, yet was so smart! Here are 7 celebrities who are high school drop outs...

7 Jim Carey

Jim Carey Photo Credit: Sam_Mason Photography

He is an actorand comedian born on January 17, 1962. He dropped out of high school when he was sixteen years old. He eventually started doing many movies. He is best known for his acting on Ace Venture, Number 23, Bruce Almighty and Man on the Moon. He has won 2 Golden Globes, owns his own twenty five million dollar place and made over$100,000,000 between 1994 and 2003 from eleven movies.

6 Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson Photo Credit: bullish1958

Jessica Simpson dropped out of High School in order to pursue her musical career. She eventually received her GED later in life.

5 Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Photo Credit: Domain Barnyard

Some do question her level of talent, but she has managed achievements in her life. And what she lacks in talent, she definitely makes up for withself confidence.She dropped out of an upscale Manhattan school during her junior year. She did get her GED though. Does that explain her spelling mistakes in her confiscated emails?

4 Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne Photo Credit: © Omar Rodriguez V.

She is very talented, to say the least. It has been reported that she dropped out of eleventh grade after she received her recording contract. Duringan interview with Barbara Walters, she suggested she should go back to school. Avril replied “Um, yeah, no that’s okay.” She did get her GED.

3 Britney Spears

Britney Spears Photo Credit: Daniel Suarez™

This is another singer that dropped out of school in order to pursue her musical career. It is unclear if she earned her GED or not. Would she have avoided some poor lifestyle choices if she continued with her education?

2 Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Photo Credit: MonoNNM

Really, it does not surprise me that Lindsay Lohan dropped out of high school in eleventh grade. Why did she leave before graduation? I quote “Life is full of risks anyway, why not take them.” Yes, she sure did take risks in her own life.

1 Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera Photo Credit: netmen.

Born in December of 1980, she was destined for fame…and to drop out of school. Early in High School, her mother had to pull her out of school because the other childrenwere jealousof her fame.

There you have it! Proof that education isn’t always needed in order to become successful in life. Although, I admit, it may make success in life easier. But remember, money does not buy everything. Look at my other blog on celebrities with anxiety…some of those dropped out of school too! So, who here dropped out of school? We’re not here to judge you…

Top Photo Credit: clgregor

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