7 Worst-Case Scenarios and How to Survive Them ...


7 Worst-Case Scenarios and How to Survive Them ...
7 Worst-Case Scenarios and How to Survive Them ...

Do you ever watch action movies and wonder how the heroes always know just what to do to get them out of those incredible challenges and obstacles? They somehow know how to land a plane that’s been hijacked and taken back after the pilot has a heart attack, and jump from a 5-story building into a moving garbage truck without getting dirty, never mind breaking a leg. How do they do that? Well, aside from having highly-paid stunt doubles, they’ve been trained how to handle every possible worst-case scenario… what do you think James Bond was doing when he was a boy? But I’ve been doing a little research, and now we can be prepared, too! Here are 7 worst-case scenarios and how to survive them. Thank you to that wonderful series of books of the same name!


Falling Elevator

Falling Elevator Photo Credit: Mad_T

If you’re in an elevator that’s falling fast, don’t panic. Lay flat on the floor with your arms and legs stretched out… this will spread the impact across your body, and will lessen damage. If it’s not a fall that’s too far, you are much more likely to survive than if you were standing up.



Avalanche Photo Credit: gavin_ian_campbell

The key to surviving an avalanche is preparation and time. If you’re prepared, you and your friends will have a shovel and rope and will each be wearing a beacon. Someone’s who dug out within 15 minutes has a 90% chance of survival, but after that, the odds plummet to only 50% after only half an hour. If you’re caught in the slide, the best thing to do is kick, flail, and “swim” as it bears down on you, which increases your chances of staying close to the top, where friends and rescuers can help dig you out faster.


Escape from a Car Trunk

Escape from a Car Trunk Photo Credit: Starlite Wonder Imaging

If you’re stuck in the trunk of a car, the first thing you need to know is that trunks aren’t airtight, so the chances of you suffocating are very small, but if you panic, you might hyperventilate and pass out… and if the temperature is hot enough, you might suffocate from the heat. So it’s important to work calmly and quickly. If you’re in a car with folding back seats, first try to kick them down. If that doesn’t work, pull up the upholstery on the trunk and look for a thin cable from the front of the car, then pull on it. This might be the trunk release near the driver. If that doesn’t work, search the trunk for tools you might use to pry open the trunk latch, or a corner of the trunk lid to signal for help… or try kicking out the taillights, too.


Parachute Fails

Parachute Fails Photo Credit: *Maidek*

If you’re skydiving with friends (who doesn’t?), and your parachute fails to open, don’t automatically assume you’re a goner. Wave your arms and point to your chute to indicate to your friends that your chute won’t open, then when one comes to aid you, hook your arms through their chest harness, and when the chute opens, prepare for some pain — it will likely dislocate a shoulder. Then prepare for impact. You’ll both survive, but you’ll probably suffer a broken leg.


Killer Bees

Killer Bees Photo Credit: kaibara87

If you’re being swarmed by killer bees, don’t swat at them, as this will only make them angrier. Run away as fast as you can, and head indoors. If you’re far from indoor shelter, head for tall grasses, trees, or shrubbery. Don’t jump into the water, since the swarm will be waiting for you when you surface, and don’t try to pluck or pick stingers out (it will just release more venom). Rake your fingernails across your skin to scratch them out instead.



Quicksand Photo Credit: ANVRecife

According to a report by National Geographic, it’s actually nearly impossible for a person to sink and suffocate in quicksand. Most likely, you’ll sink up to about your chest. Don’t panic, say the pros, and don’t ask friends to pull you out, since the pressure of the sand will be a lot more than they can fight. Instead, kick your legs in a scissor motion until the sand has liquefied enough to release some of the pressure.


Bear Attack

Bear Attack Photo Credit: Stephen Oachs

It’s always best to avoid bear, especially bears guarding food or cubs, but if a bear attack is imminent, curl up into a tight ball with your head tucked in. A bear will try to claw your stomach, so keeping in a curled-up ball will lessen his chances of killing you. If you remain still, and curled up, the bear will get bored and leave. Once he’s gone (long gone) that’s your cue to get away and get help for the other scratches he gave you.

Now that you’ve read all of these tips on how to survive worst-case scenarios, it’s time to gather your high-tech gadgets, find a black leather cat suit or super-hero costume, and go save the world! Do you have any other tips on surviving potentially deadly situations? Please share with me, so I can be Supergirl, too!

Top Photo Credit: lutman123

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Gotta agree with everyone above. Awesome post! I've always been scared of quicksand thanks to horror movies from my childhood but now I know what to do :)

incredible and fascinating post - thanks ! :)

Now fine. thanks.

Brilliant post!


Somehow, i find this post very very useful :) thks

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