7 Ways to Choosing the Right Reward for Your Child ...


Are you looking for what to reward your child with? I know when it comes to getting a reward when I was young for being good it made me smile and think to be good more often. As parents, you need to find the right reward for your child to make them feel special. Please read my 7 Ways To Choosing the Right Reward for your Child…

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Allowance Raised

Allowance Raised Photo Credit: rogerjporter

Often kids get allowances per week or two weeks, depending on your paycheck. You will find that they love getting extra money per payday and work harder to be good and do they're chores. Rewarding them with a dollar raise couldn't hurt per payday and makes them happy.


Eat at Their Favorite Restaurant

Eat at Their Favorite Restaurant Photo Credit: cheukiecfu

Many kids like to go to their favorite eating place and this is a good reward them when they do something you told them to do. Clean the garage or their room. You can take them to chucky cheese or Ihop. Ihop has kids eat free everyday now, between a certain time period.



Money Photo Credit: Gnerk

Some kids prefer getting money over allowance any day. This allows them to enjoy having the money in their pocket and enjoy spending it. Sometimes they could learn how to deal with money and be responsible to spend it. You can give them five dollars for cleaning the living room or doing the yard.


Their Favorite Video Game

Their Favorite Video Game Photo Credit: Eleven Eight

All kids love video games and this serves as a perfect reward. You can find many cheap video games in certain stores or online. Many boys and girls like the new handheld systems like the PSP or the Nintendo DS. You could reward them with one of these systems.


Disney World or Amusement Parks

Disney World or Amusement Parks Photo Credit: Matt Pasant

This isn't a farfetched reward, because there are thousands of new places to take your kids to have fun. Disney world has discounts and other parks do as well. You can do this on a performance level and tell them to be good for entire month or maintain good grades and later you will take them to a Amusement park.



Camping Photo Credit: redmann

All kids like to camp and live in the outdoors. They get to learn how it is when you're out in the wild and get to be away from the normal life of electronics. This reward is good for any kid as long as they like the outdoors. You may find that camping is also a good way to get away from stress.


New Clothes or Material Items

New Clothes or Material Items Photo Credit: rawedge studio

Most boys will tell you they will skip the clothes as a reward and go get them something like a toy or new video game. You will find this is a good reward for them, because most kids like being rewarded for something new. Most new toys and clothes make them happy to play with them when they get home or wear the new clothes to school. They can tell their friends they earned it with hard work.

When you reward your child it teaches them if they work hard, they will get something for it. Sometimes that's not always true, but they need to know that sometimes it takes time to get something good. A long lesson to teach them responsibility and always work hard to get what you want. Do you reward your kids with these things?

Top Photo Credit: riaskiff

Feedback Junction

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I dont have children yet but have junior members in my family as i belong to alarge joint familly under the same roof.I dont prefer money as reward for them but eating out or going out are my choices.

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