So, it’s that special time in your life when you’re planning the most exciting day of your life! Don’t forget the reason WHY you’re planning that day-the most wonderful man in the world, right? Here are some fun things to do together when the planning gets to stressful and you just need to have some a good time together.
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Play in the Rain Together
Photo Credit: Cat Johnson
I’m serious! Playing in the rain is so much fun! If it’s coming down pretty hard, why not slow dance and kiss in the rain? If it’s just a sprinkling, enlist the help of a water hose and buckets. The smell of rain will energize you and you will feel relaxed!
Give Each Other a Massage
Photo Credit: Sauna van Egmond
Set up an area with some candles and relaxing music. Give your man a nice long back rub and massage and then he can do the same for you. It’s fun to enjoy each other’s company, plus you can save the money on a couples massage. And everyone enjoys being touched and loved on by the person they love!
Play a Game
Photo Credit: Birgit F
It can be a card game, a board game, a word game, a pen and paper game, or a game like hide and seek. Any game could be fun if you’re playing it with your fiancé! And the winner gets to pick where to eat your next meal or which movie to watch or what to do on your next date.
Do a Project Together
Photo Credit: RockSpirits
Find a project the two of you can both work on and enjoy. Refinish and paint a vintage dollhouse. Put together a large puzzle with glue. Offer to help your neighbor rake the lawn throughout the fall season. Babysit your little siblings together. Find something that will be fun and challenging and take it on!
Cook a Meal
Photo Credit: ?VegaChastain?
Instead of cooking something FOR him, why not cook something WITH him? Cook a 5-course meal together, and then have some friends or your parents over and serve it to them. Don’t forget to clean up afterwards! You will enjoy this more than you think.
Go for a Walk
Photo Credit: donjd2
Picture this: A drive out to a secluded dirt road, then you park the car and go for a stroll among the gorgeous fall leaves. No one but you and him exist in the whole world. You could even pack a picnic lunch! Get away and spend some time together talking and holding hands. Fall deeper in love!
Read Aloud
Photo Credit: SARA? LEE
Take turns reading out loud to one another. This is a great idea for traveling or during the evenings. Choose from mysteries, suspense, poetry, romance novels, or self-help books. It’s romantic to read together and you may learn things about your partner you never knew before! Going through a marriage counseling book is a super idea before you get married!
I would love to list a few more ideas that I have, but I think you get the picture. Be creative and do some things that don’t involve technology. Sometimes the best time spent together can be when it’s just the two of you, slowing down and taking time to remember what you find so fantastic about the other person!
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