7 Things I Want to Dress up as This Halloween ...

Melanie Oct 24, 2010

7 Things I Want to Dress up as This Halloween ...
7 Things I Want to Dress up as This Halloween ...

My favorite time of the year, Halloween, is right around the corner. Of course, I started thinking about Halloween months ago. There are so many things that I want to be for Halloween, but I don’t want to blend in with the crowd. I want to stand out from the crowd. I do not want to wear the normal old costumes you buy in the department store. I am going to give you 7 things I want to dress up as this Halloween.

7. A Vampire

A Vampire Photo Credit: JenniPenni

If you know me, then you would know that I want to dress up as a vampire. This is the one time of the year that I can show what I really am – a vampire. Just kidding. But seriously, I want to dress up as a vampire, but with a twist – I don’t want to wear the average old vampire costume that everyone else is wearing. I want to be a unique vampire.

6. A Werewolf

A Werewolf Photo Credit: Moon over Belgium

I think dressing up as a werewolf would be a good idea. However, as with a vampire costume, I do not want to dress up like the normal werewolf. I want to still, somehow, reveal my girly side and not be a hairy old beast at the same time.

5. A Fairy

A Fairy Photo Credit: Kimhotep

I don’t want to be a happy go lucky fairy. I want to be an evil fairy. A fairy with attitude. A fair with wings made out of fire. Hey, I like the image I just had!

4. Zelda

Zelda Photo Credit: gbrummett

I am a gamer, so of course, I am going to pick this one! Zelda is a popular gaming character.

3. Swamp Girl

Swamp Girl Photo Credit: Terra Kate

Well, this is the title I am going to give it. This is where you have vines and flowers all over you. This would definitely be an interesting costume to dress up in.

2. A Dead Bride

A Dead Bride Photo Credit: IsabelleRibeiro

You know, wearing a wedding dress that looks like it has been dug up from a grave is definitely something I would like to do. Except, it needs to be touched up with some bloody spots. Yes, this is definitely Halloween.

1. A Blood Elf

A Blood Elf Photo Credit: CavinB

For those of you that do not know, blood elves are from World of Warcraft. I definitely want to dress up as a blood elf for Halloween – this sounds fun!

Those are 7 things I want to dress up as this Halloween. Why not make this Halloween a fun one and dress up as what you really are deep inside? So, what do you want to be?

Top Photo Credit: StartedByAMouse

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i was just saying to my friend that i want to be the absinthe green fairy for halloween :)

I dressed up as a dead bride couple of years ago, I loved that costume!!!

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