When I say cool, I mean scary! I am going to give you 7 cool Halloween masks that you might want to have – either that or might want to run from. As number 1, I am going to show you the one my husband is going to get.
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7. Twosome Gruesome Halloween Mask
Price: $26.25 at amazon.com
Okay, this one is a bit too gruesome. I mean, who wants a head coming out of the side of their face? Wait, it’s Halloween, so many people do! Well, if you have a craving for a second head (no pun intended there), then here it is!
6. Sinister Fin Skull Halloween Mask
Price: $28.79 at amazon.com
Oh, this one is really cool. I don’t know why, but I kind of think of a bird when I look at it, then at the same time, I think of some type of dinosaur. What do you think of when you look at this mask, besides a sinister fin skull.
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5. Day of the Dead Dr Tongue Mask
Price: $59.99 at amazon.com
You like tongues? Well, you won’t want this tongue anywhere near you! This is a horribly scary mask! If you want to scare the heck out of children on the streets, then yes, this will do it.
4. Scarecrow Deluxe Oversized Halloween Mask
Price: $135.95 at amazon.com
Scarecrows can be scary – hence the word “scare” in their name. If you really want to have a scary look, then this scarecrow mask will be sure to do the job.
3. World of Warcraft - Orc Overhead Latex Mask
Price: $28.65 at amazon.com
If you are like me and you like Wow, then you will like this mask. However, you will not catch me in this mask no matter how much I like World of Warcraft. I am more into Blood Elves. The Orc is one ugly dude!
2. Sexy Mask
Price: $6.06 at amazon.com
Okay, this one is not scary at all, unless you put some fake blood on it, but I wanted to add it in here. Bet you didn’t expect to see this one! I love how the rose goes with it!
1. Predator Dlx Mask W/Removable Faceplate Adult
Price: $93.95 at amazon.com
Yes, my husband is a big Alien Vs. Predator fan and I have to admit, he has good taste. This is a predator mast that has a removable faceplate to reveal how ugly the predator really is.
Those are 7 cool Halloween masks. Do you have any you would like to share?
Top Photo Credit: Batikart