13 Items to Buy after Christmas ...


13 Items to Buy after Christmas ...
13 Items to Buy after Christmas ...

If you’ve never experienced holiday shopping the day after Christmas, you’re really missing out! It’s a lot of fun (almost as much fun as the day after Thanksgiving) and there are some really great deals to be had! It may sound a little crazy, but it’s true: it’s better sometimes to buy holiday things AFTER the holiday! Here are 7 items to buy after Christmas.

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Wrapping Paper

Wrapping Paper Why is wrapping paper so expensive? It’s paper. We’re going to end up throwing it away after our friends and family tear it apart to get to the gift we’ve wrapped it in, right? So why is it so pricey? To avoid paying high prices for something so silly, you have two choices: opt to give gifts wrapped in old newspaper, or buy your gift wrap half-price once the holiday is over.



Ornaments I love Hallmark Keepsake ornaments, and I give my daughters several of them each Christmas, but they’re pricey, too. That’s why I buy them at 40% off after Christmas. I can buy 10 for the price of 6, which means each of my girls get 5 ornaments, instead of just 3. I feel like I’m getting such a deal!



Dishes I love using special serving platters and other dishes during the holidays, but often times it’s too expensive to buy an entire set before the holiday. Unless the dishes are dated (most are not), why not spend a lot less (sometimes up to 80% less) by purchasing them after the holiday? They may be harder to find, but it’s well worth the search. This doesn’t just apply to Christmas-themed dishes, either — I’ve found great bargains on Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving platters after those holidays, too!



Cards I’m very choosy about the holiday cards I send each year, and typically end up sending four or five boxes of them. At more than $12 a box, plus postage, that can really add up! That’s why I always buy my holiday cards after Christmas, to send the next year. I spend a lot less, and they’re just as gorgeous and thoughtful as if I’d paid full price.


Candles and Décor

Candles and Décor I love scented candles, and holiday snow-globes (especially the light-up ones from Hallmark). But I have a hard time spending a lot of money on these, now that I know they go on sale right after the holiday. I’ll always treat myself to a few new pieces before the holiday, but candles especially I’ll wait to buy until the after-Christmas sales.


Holiday-Themed Gifts

Holiday-Themed Gifts Browse any of your favorite shops before the holiday and you’ll see beautiful gifts for everyone on your list… if only you could afford to buy all of them! I tend to purchase the edible goodies before the holiday (so my gifts aren’t stale!) but the other gift sets, like body lotions and mittens and scarves, I’ll buy after the holiday to give next Christmas. I save so much, I can buy for people I wouldn’t have been able to afford to buy for!


A Tree!

A Tree! If you like to use an artificial tree, and your old one is looking a little ragged and sorry, the best time to buy is after Christmas! Bag or box the old one (to donate it, if there’s still a little life left in it), then go and buy a new one at half-off. If you wait til after Christmas, you’ll be able to afford even the prettiest, most realistic tree, and without breaking your budget. Maybe even a pre-lit one!


Fitness Equipment

Fitness Equipment Yep, the days after Christmas are a great time to stock up on gear for next year, but it’s also a perfect time to get geared up for the new year. As you likely know, many people make a resolution to get in shape and exercise more after the holidays. That means you can find a variety of great fitness equipment at rock bottom prices. Both used and brand spanking new! So go ahead, stock up on the essentials and you’ll be ready to feel and look great after Christmas!



Clothes What girl doesn’t want more clothes? Right after the Christmas holiday is a wonderful time to load up on winter essentials. Many stores begin marking down coats and other cold weather basics, so you can buy new stuff at reduced prices. Combine your Christmas cash and gift cards with clearance sales and you’ll be looking great for mere pennies!



Linens If you desperately need new towels or sheets, put them on your Christmas wish list. If that doesn’t work out, wait until after the holiday and watch for your favorite department store to mark them down at a hefty rate. Then stock up on new bathroom towels and luxe bedding that will make the Christmas letdown a little easier to bear. You can lounge in the bed or tub and enjoy the linens you got at a cheap price!



Electronics You might not realize this, but electronics are like cars. They have a specific model year. That means that this year’s models aren’t the newest anymore once Christmas is over and the New Year comes. Hold out until after the tree is packed away and the gift wrap is in the recycling to buy a new television, tablet or camera. Think of it as a late Christmas gift to yourself.


Video Games

Video Games Again, video games hit rock bottom prices after everyone is done loading up on them for Christmas gifts. If you can wait, you’ll be rewarded with awesome prices that will make the extra few days worth the wait. If you don’t play video games, consider purchasing them as birthday gifts throughout the coming years for your guy, nephews or your kids’ friends. You’ll be the hero, for sure!



Cars Sure, it’s a big purchase. It isn’t anything like loading up on gift wrap the day after Christmas. However, if you’re in the market anyway, many dealers mark down their vehicles to make room for new models. Most even have New Year’s sales, meaning you can get a great bargain on something you were planning to buy anyway. What girl could ask for more?

These are some of the things I wait to buy until after Christmas, and I always save so much! It’s hard to wait, I know, but when you don’t have to spend $8 a roll for wrapping paper next Christmas and you could save mega dollars on high ticket items. You’ll be so glad you did wait! Which of these items do you always buy or plan to buy after Christmas? How much do you save? Or is there something else you always buy after the holiday, too? Please share!

This article written in collaboration with editor, Eliza Martinez

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nice tips. thank you.

thanks! ?

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