7 Items for Your Home Gym ...


7 Items for Your Home Gym ...
7 Items for Your Home Gym ...

Some of us can’t get to the gym as often as we like, or maybe we’re just too self-conscious to work-out in front of others. Whatever the reason, it’s okay — you can get a great full-body work-out at home if you have the right equipment for your home gym. Not sure what you’ll need to make a complete home gym? Don’t fret, or run out and hire a professional! Here’s my list of seven items for your home gym…

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BOSU Ball Price: $99.99 at jcpenney.com
Compared to some pieces of home gym equipment, this BOSU ball may seem a little pricey… but it’s worth every penny. You can use either the curved or flat side for a seemingly endless variety of core and strength training exercises… my personal trainer always has me on one of these, and they really work!


Push-up Handles

Push-up Handles Price: $19.99 at jcpenney.com
My personal trainer often calls push-ups “the perfect exercise” because if you modify them, you can get an all-body work-out. These little handles can help you get that work-out, and help make sure you’re using proper form.

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Exercise/yoga Mat

Exercise/yoga Mat Price: $34.99 at jcpenney.com
You’re absolutely NOT going to want to get your living room carpet or dining room floor covered with sweat are you? And I know you don’t want uncomfortable rug burns! Try this light-weight, easy to store exercise mat instead…


Medicine Ball

Medicine Ball Price: $14.99 - $34.99 at jcpenney.com
I use one of these while doing lunges, squats, crunches, and more, just to add another dimension to my work-out. Let me tell you, the ten-pound ball is enough to kick your butt! But if ten pounds isn’t heavy enough, or if it’s a little too heavy, no worries — there are four weights available.


Jump Rope

Jump Rope Price: $13.99 at jcpenney.com
Remember being a kid on the playground, skipping rope? It didn’t seem like exercise then, it was just fun. Well, try it again now. It’s a great cardio workout, and an excellent warm-up for another work-out. Whew!

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Hand Weights

Hand Weights Price: $99.99 at jcpenney.com
Adding hand weights to almost any exercise, even to speed walking, will give you a better work-out. But maybe you don’t have room to store a rack of different hand weights, which is why this set is so handy… these weights are adjustable, and are very easy to store.



Step Price: $99.99 at jcpenney.com
A lot of gyms offer step aerobics classes, and if you’ve ever been, you know what a fantastic work-out they can be. Why not buy a DVD and get the same exercise at home, where you don’t have to be annoyed by that one girl in the front who doesn’t ever seem to get winded?

Before you start a new work-out, always check with your doctor, especially if you’re recovering from an illness or injury. By working out at home with all these great pieces of equipment, you’re sure to get an exhaustive, sweaty work-out for your whole body. And isn’t that the goal? Do you have another piece of home gym equipment you love? Are you unhappy that I left out the hula hoop? Please let me know!

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