18 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills ...


18 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills ...
18 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills ...

Have you been thinking about birth control pills? When we first started taking birth control pills, we did a lot of research on them.

Over eighty percent of women that were born after the year 1945 have used the pill at some time during their life. The pill not only stops pregnancy, but it also has power over the menstruation.

Below, I would like to give you 9 pros and 9 cons of birth control pills. First, I would like to give you the bad news, then deliver the good news.

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It could cause events such as a stroke, blood clots and heart attacks. This is a risk that we take when we take birth control pills.


It can slightly increase the risk of getting breast cancer


This one may be rare, but it can cause hepatic cancer and noncancerous tumors to form.


Birth control pills could increase the serum lipids (elevate your cholesterol).


If you smoke cigarettes and are over the age of thirty five, then the chances of a thromboembolic event will increase.


Taking the birth control pill could cause liver, kidney or adrenal dysfunction.


Severe hypertension


Endometrical cancer


Other forms of estrogen dependent cancer could form.

In no way, shape or form am I trying to scare you away from birth control pills. I have been taking birth control pills for 4 years now and am perfectly healthy.

However, there are some women out there that have experienced side effects from these pills. I am not trying to discourage you away from them,

I am just giving you the truth. In fact, there are many other side effect that could come about from birth control. Ask your doctor for a list of side effects…


Effective birth control. Studies have shown that this form of birth control is ninety nine percent effective.


Many women use birth control pills in order to regulate their menstrual cycle. It is great for those that have irregular or heavy periods.


This method of birth control is known for relieving those cramps that come about during menstruation. I had severe cramps each time I had my period and that is when the doctor put my on birth control.


The pill is also known for treating endometriosis.


If you have a problem with ovarian cysts, then taking birth control pills, could prevent the recurrent ovarian cyst.


It is also used in women to treat premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


Certain forms of birth control are known for helping clear up acne. I suffered from acne for about a year, then when I started taking birth control, it cleared up in two months. I was actually amazed at this. I had heard rumors of this, but I didn’t believe it was actually true.


It can decrease the risk of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. It all depends on the type of birth control pill you use.


Some other side effects include breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, spotting and difficulty remembering to take the pill each day.

Birth control pills are something that many women choose to use. It is a great way to prevent pregnancy as it is 99 percent effective.

Looks like the pros are to outweigh the cons as the cons are only a small percentage of happening.

Do you use birth control? If not, why don’t you (do you just rely on the emergency contraceptives)? I am just curious to know.

Photo Credit: flickr.com

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I heard birth control increases breast size, is this true?

It's amazing when you thing about body effects on different people. I used to take the pill as protection and to regolate my period. Which in that helped me alot. Regarding pimples it didn't help even if I tried two. Only in summer pefore with the pill and sew water my face used to clear compleatly for 3 months, now that I stopped taking it they come out every day with or without the sea water. My friend took it on my advise ans she got totally fat, at least it didn't affect me in that way. It's a really good protection and effective even for those pains. Back pains stopped immediatelly, my period regulated and before I used to get it for a whole week, whit it lasted only for 3 days. But I was afraid because I smoked when I was on it and knowing that it was so bad I couldn't stopped smoking so I stopped to take it. Though I'm reconsidering again now!! It has more cons than pros, but the bit of prons it has, surly does amazing staff. For those who are deciding to take it, prepare your self for a roller coster with your hormones. At least that's what happened to me, but my doctor said it was quite normal, so nothing to worry about!

Kiara, Every body is different. I used to get all moody, crying or laughing for no reason! There are so many other protection these days, even if this is the safest!

Thanks for posting this! It was so helpful with my health project, and for personal knowledge.

It is really a great post Melanie. I first started to take BCP when I was 19, first as a protection and after as a treatment against ovarian cysts. I've been changing to another stronger pills and I got really fat, but the good thing was that my problems were solved after treatment and during that time my face was clean (no pimples, no breakouts). Even after I've switched to more light pills I still had the feeling that I was getting fat because of them. The only side effect that they had, was a low libido. Only after 6 months after I've completely stopped taking them I return to my normal libido (this is a very rare side effect but it really exist). This year I've started again to take birth control pills but only for 3 months, and again I've gained like 8 kg. Maybe it was only physical effect, that those pills were going to make me fat but it happened. :)

Meanwhile, I'd like to give some input on the Depo shot: I just recently got my 2nd injection of it, and have absolutely 0 problems with it. However, I have done my research, and some women have experienced terrible things with it. Over Spring Break, I did experience some pain, but at least it was over break. (At the time, it was less than a month after my first injection, which means it was probably because my body was still adapting). Not having a period is GREAT--I don't know about you, but I HATE periods with a passion!!! My sex drive has actually INCREASED while being on it. Otherwise, nothing has actually changed with me except for in the positive direction. I have more energy now than I used to, for example. I'm also much happier. It's worth a consultation.

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