8 Important Facts about Endometriosis ...


8 Important Facts about Endometriosis ...
8 Important Facts about Endometriosis ...

There are many conditions that affect a woman’s reproductive system. Endometriosis is just one of them. Here are 7 important facts that you should know about this condition.

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Etymology of the Word

Etymology of the Word Photo Credit: dolphin_dolphin

The word endometriosis comes from the Greek words “endon” which means within, “metra” meaning womb, and “osis” that means condition. Based on this, you can make an educated guess that endometriosis is a condition within the womb.


What is Endometriosis?

What is Endometriosis? Photo Credit: XOCHIewww

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, grows in places where it shouldn’t be. The more common places for abnormal growth are the ovaries, behind the uterus, the bowels, and the bladder.


Who is Affected?

Who is Affected? Photo Credit: Alireza Teimoury

It is estimated that there are at least about 5.5 million women in North America who have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Any female who is menstruating can be affected with this condition. It can occur any time from her first menstruation to menopause.


What Are the Causes?

What Are the Causes? Photo Credit: tranggbangg!

The actual cause of endometriosis has not been discovered. However, there are some theories. One theory states that it is the backflow of menstruation tissue (retrograde menstrual flow) into the abdomen and pelvic areas, which then causes the abnormal growth. Another theory speculates that endometriosis could be caused by genetic factors.


What Are the Symptoms?

What Are the Symptoms? Photo Credit: Whitney Fiasco Alexandra

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pain in the pelvic areas, the lower back, and even the abdomen. The intensity of the pain is not proportional to the severity of the condition. Another symptom would be pain during or after sex. One can also experience painful bowel movement or urination during menstruation. A heavy menstrual period is also a symptom of endometriosis. Women diagnosed with endometriosis may also have intestinal pain and gastrointestinal problems.


How is a Diagnosis Made?

How is a Diagnosis Made? Photo Credit: arief_h

Imaging tests such as MRI and ultrasound can be used to identify any growths inside the body. However, a sure diagnosis can only be made when a laparoscopy is done. Laparoscopy is a minor invasive procedure where a tube with a light is inserted the abdomen. The surgeon can then check for any growths.


What Are the Possible Effects?

What Are the Possible Effects? Photo Credit: t()by

Endometriosis is one of the top three causes of female infertility. The reasons for this are not definite and are still being researched. Take note, though, that not all women diagnosed with endometriosis become infertile.


How is It Treated?

How is It Treated? Photo Credit: Jeniee

Sadly, there is still no cure for endometriosis at this time. However, there are different treatments available to manage pain and to address the infertility problem. For pain, the possible treatments would be: over-the-counter pain medication, hormone therapy, and surgery. For infertility, one can try in vitro fertilization or IVF. For those with minor endometriosis, early removal of the growths through laparoscopy can greatly improve chances of conceiving.

Being diagnosed with endometriosis is not the end of your world. Consult with your doctor to find out the appropriate plan of action and treatment for you.

Top Photo Credit: *ribbon

Feedback Junction

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Hi i would like to ask during my menstrual cramps ,i gt a painful pain on my vagina isit common ?

feels like it's going to fall out. I feel like it doesn't get taken seriously by doctors and consultants. I've researched endometriosis on the internet to try to understand how to live and cope with it day to day as my consultant or doctor just don't seem to care or even tell me anything about it.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis last year, after various trips to the doctors and then referred to gyno. I feel like the doctors don't listen to you. I was advised to have a hysterectomy at the age of 29. this was way before I had a laparoscopy to confirm that I do have endometreosis. I was them out on pro-strap with is injected into your stomach. I only had 2 months of the course because I suffered with quite severe side effects. I have been told that anymore treatment isn't an option. I feel like I've been beaten up when I have sexual intercourse with my partner so I try not to do that much, which isn't really fair to my partner or myself. my consultant to me to take pain relief before having sex..! and that's that I've been signed off from my consultant now and am just expected to get on with everyday life. when I have a period my ovaries feel like have spikes on them and get quite severe sharp shouting pains, and my womb feels heavy and really tender basically f

Endometriosis can and does occur even after menopause & a hysterectomy. Endometriosis can influence fertility in several ways: distorted anatomy of the pelvis, adhesions, scarred fallopian tubes, inflammation of the pelvic structures, altered immune system functioning, changes in the hormonal environment of the eggs, impaired implantation of a pregnancy, and altered egg quality. The diagnosis of Endo is extremely difficult and is often not noticeable/seen by most gynecologists or general surgeons. Though many doctors insist that you can diagnose Endo through radiology scans. Sensitivity in the detection of the actual focal endometrial implants is impossible. However, the detection of endometriomas (cysts formed from the Endo) or thickening of the wall using ultrasound is possible. The ONLY way to be diagnosed is through a laparotomy surgery and biopsy. Another issue with Endo that most don't believe is it can and will travel throughout your whole body. From your colon and bladder all the way up to your lungs, liver and yes even your eyes and brain. It can and does affect your entire body. The thing about Endo is that it creates it's own blood/life line. Which like stated in the article means that there is no cure and please believe me when I say once it starts spreading it spreads like a wildfire. Most Endo drugs have been proven to cause more harm than good and the only option we have in order to hopefully achieve some comfort is from a surgical procedure known as Lysis. Lysis of adhesions is the process of cutting scar tissue within the body instead of burning which means, they can get deeper into the implants. Again this is not a cure it is simply done in hopes of giving the patient at least some relief, like most surgery though it can lead to some serious complications. Unfortunately I happen to be a pro at Endo, surgery and all the lovely issues that come with them. Between the ages of 24-27 I underwent 20, yes I said 20 surgery's. Sadly one of the surgery's that almost killed me was a total hysterectomy (biggest mistake of my life) at the age of 27. I'd like to point out though that my hysty was my 13th out of the 20. Which means/proves a hysterectomy does NOT "cure" you and only puts you at higher risk for even more complications and issues. I am now currently looking at surgery number 21 in the very near future. I do want to say that not all Endo sisters are dealt the hand that myself and many others were. Some women have been lucky enough to find long lasting relief and go on to live happy, normal lives. For me on the other hand, Endo has destroyed every aspect of my life. The good news is I have learned and experienced more than most can imagine which means I'm extremely helpful and knowledgable for my fellow Endo Sisters. My door is always open to all Endo sisters. I beg of you all to do research, research and more research. Learn the true facts, reach out to fellow sisters like myself and most importantly don't ever stop fighting or give in.

this is really scary D:!

Hi - I just went thru surgery for endo ~ the doctor said it was under my uterus and removed all the leasions ( is what she called them ) I am now on a three month course of lupron and I am very scared trying not to read into it to much and let it do its job but I am experiencing severe pain in my right leg and right arm and a very sharp pain by my right ovary area - Im really scared the pain is going to come right back and I will be misreable with pain and aniexty again and not being able to leave my home or move from the couch or bed ! Can anyone share a experience similar and there results of surgery and lupron and then birthcontrol after the lupron? Im very scared this disease has almost ruined my life and torn my family to pieces cause i was so misreable - I also was on alot of pain medicines that were not helping.

I have endometriosis and just had all my growths removed... And was informed that it can grow back Not fun

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