12 Things about PMS You Should Know ...


12 Things about PMS You Should Know ...
12 Things about PMS You Should Know ...

PMS can be difficult to diagnose, but it is a real condition that women are having to face each month during their reproductive years. The symptoms of PMS can vary from emotional to mental. There are also some physical symptoms that come along with it. With PMS, one could experience breast tenderness, breast swelling, bloating, mood swings, food cravings, irritability, fatigue and even depression. From month to month, those symptoms could change. The symptoms could be mild one month, severe the next and mild after that. About three out of every four women who are menstruating experience PMS. Below, I would like to tell you 12 things about PMS you should know…

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The emotional, behavioral or mental symptoms of PMS could range from anxiety and tension to depression, mood swings, crying spells, anger, irritability, appetite changes, food craving, insomnia, poor concentration and social withdrawal.

Photo Credit: bcymet


The physical symptoms of PMS can vary from pain in the muscles or joints to headache pain, weight gain, fatigue, cramping, abdominal bloating, acne flare-ups, diarrhea and/or constipation.

Frequently asked questions


There is a small percentage of women who have symptoms that are so severe -- they are called premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD. This is a severe form of OMS that includes deep feelings of hopelessness, depression, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, anger or experiencing extreme tension.
Photo Credit: Gabriela Camerotti


It has been estimated that around seventy five percent of menstruating women have to experience some type of PMS. This is a fact that comes from National Women’s Health Research Center.


Around forty percent of women that are menstruating experience PMS symptoms bad enough that they have to seek some type of treatment from a doctor.

Photo Credit: Rakka

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Three to eight percent of women experience premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


PMS was first identified during the year 1931.


The exact cause of PMS has not been discovered.


There are over one hundred and fifty symptoms that are associated with PMS.

Photo Credit: catharuna


PMS has a tendency to get worse at times of hormonal instability. This includes childbirth, puberty or after an abortion or miscarriage.

Photo Credit:Gabriela Camerotti


PMS can show up any time between puberty and menopause.


Not all women experience PMS. However, most will experience some of the symptoms that are associated with PMS.
Photo Credit:Gabriela Camerotti
BONUS Fact 1
Some of the PMS symptoms have been shown to be linked to deficiencies in calcium and vitamins B, A and E.
BONUS Fact 2
Women that have a history of postpartum depression or depression have a higher chance of getting PMS.
BONUS Fact 3
A lack of physical activity will increase the risk of getting PMS.
BONUS Fact 4
There are a variety of prescription drugs available that can help relieve the symptoms of PMS. There are also many herbal products that can help you out.

Do you have PMS? What are the symptoms you experience?

Top Photo Credit: Gabriela Camerotti

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I suffer from PMDD, too. It is very real; not a myth like some claim. It's like being on a constant rollercoaster ride.

PMS according to psychology and scientific fact does not exist. Now the symptoms of feeling any sort of pain women feel are understandable because men have the same symptoms when they feel pain. Feeling bad because of pain is not a syndrome or sickness.

I have PMDD and often feel no physical pain during my period. Instead--like clockwork--I become depressed, insecure, hopeless, and withdrawn about ten days before my period until the third or fourth day of menstruation. These are real symptoms caused by sensitivity to hormonal changes. Eve, you may not experience this, but that doesn't give you justification to say it doesn't exist--and according to the greater medical community, PMDD does actually exist, or else it wouldn't be recognized as a disorder affecting 5-8% of reproductive-age women. Please don't be one of those women who not only have to suffer the intensity of the symptoms, but disregard the severe symptoms of others!

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